
3.21.15 Configuration Shared Pins Register
Address 0Fh
Default 08h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved LOCK23 Reserved LOCK24B FID/GLCO VSYNC/PALI INTREQ/GPCL/ Reserved, must
VBLK be set to 0
LOCK23 (pin 23) function select
0 = FID (default, if bit 3 is selected to output FID)
1 = Lock indicator (indicates whether the device is locked vertically)
LOCK24B (pin 24) function select
0 = PALI (default, if bit 2 is selected to output PALI)
1 = Lock indicator (indicates whether the device is locked horizontally)
FID/GLCO (pin 23) function select (also see register 03h for enhanced functionality)
0 = FID
1 = GLCO (default)
VSYNC/PALI (pin 24) function select (also see register 03h for enhanced functionality)
0 = VSYNC (default)
1 = PALI
INTREQ/GPCL/VBLK (pin 27) function select
0 = INTREQ (default)
1 = GPCL or VBLK depending on bit 7 of register 03h
See Figure 3-12 for the relationship between the configuration shared pins.
3.21.16 Active Video Cropping Start Pixel MSB Register
Address 11h
Default 00h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
AVID start pixel MSB [9:2]
Active video cropping start pixel MSB [9:2], set this register first before setting register 12h. The
TVP5150AM1 decoder updates the AVID start values only when register 12h is written to. This start pixel
value is relative to the default values of the AVID start pixel.
Copyright © 20072011, Texas Instruments Incorporated Functional Description 41
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