
TUSB7320, TUSB7340
Figure 3-6. Serial-Bus Protocal - Byte Write
Figure 3-7 illustrates a single byte read. The host controller issues a start condition and sends the 7-bit
slave device address and the R/W command bit is equal to 0b (write). The slave device acknowledges if it
recognizes the slave address. Next, the EEPROM word address is sent by the host controller, and another
slave acknowledgment is expected. Then, the host controller issues a restart condition followed by the
7-bit slave address and the R/W command bit is equal to 1b (read). Once again, the slave device
responds with an acknowledge. Next, the slave device sends the 8-bit data byte, MSB first. Since this is a
1-byte read, the host controller responds with no acknowledge (logic high) indicating the last data byte.
Finally, the host controller issues a stop condition.
Figure 3-7. Serial-Bus Protocal - Byte Read
Figure 3-8 illustrates the serial interface protocol during a multi-byte serial EEPROM download. The
serial-bus protocol starts exactly the same as a 1-byte read. The only difference is that multiple data bytes
are transferred. The number of transferred data bytes is controlled by the host controller master. After
each data byte, the host controller master issues acknowledge (logic low) if more data bytes are
requested. The transfer ends after a host controller master no acknowledge (logic high) followed by a stop
Figure 3-8. Serial-Bus Protocal - Multibyte Read
Bit 7 (PROT_SEL) in the serial-bus control and status register changes the serial-bus protocol. Each of
the three previous serial-bus protocol figures illustrates the PROT_SEL bit default (logic low). When this
control bit is asserted, the word address and corresponding acknowledge are removed from the serial-bus
protocol. This feature allows the system designer a second serial-bus protocol option when selecting
external EEPROM devices.
26 FEATURE/PROTOCOL DESCRIPTIONS Copyright © 2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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