
SLLS959A DECEMBER 2008 REVISED MARCH 2009 ...............................................................................................................................................
Table 1. Terminal Functions (continued)
Port sleep/mode selection terminal 5 and link-on output. This terminal can be connected to
the link-on input terminal of the LLC through a 1-k resistor if the link-on input is available
on the link layer.
On hardware reset this terminal, when used with the other Port Speed/Mode Selection
terminals, allows the user to select whether ports act like a 1394b bilingual port (terminal at
logic 0) or as a 1394a-2000-only port (terminal 1394b bilingual mode or high through a
1-k or less resistor to enable 1394b bilingual mode or high through a 1-k or less resistor
to enable 1394a-2000-only mode. A bus holder is built into this terminal. See Table 2 . A
bus holder is built into this terminal.
After hardware reset, this terminal is the link-on output, which notifies the LLC or other
power-up logic to power up and become active. The link-on output is a square wave signal
with a period of approximately 163 ns (8 PCLK cycles) when active. The link-on output is
otherwise driven low, except during hardware reset when it is high-impedance.
The link-on output is activated if the LLC is inactive (the LPS input inactive or the LCtrl bit
cleared) and when one of the following occurs:
a. The PHY receives a link-on PHY packet addressed to this node.
b. The PEI (port-event interrupt) register bit is 1.
c. Any of the CTOI (configuration-timeout interrupt),
CPSI (cable-power-status interrupt), or STOI (state-time-out interrupt) register bits is 1
and the RPIE (resuming-port interrupt enable) register bit is also 1.
d. The PHY is power-cycled and the power class is 0 through 4.
Once activated, the link-on output is active until the LLC becomes active (both the LPS
input active and the LCtrl bit set). The PHY also deasserts the link-on output when a
bus-reset occurs unless the link-on output is otherwise active because one of the interrupt
bits is set (that is, the link-on output is active due solely to the reception of a link-on PHY
In the case of power-cycling the PHY, the LKON signal must stop after 167 s if the
preceding conditions have not been met.
NOTE: If an interrupt condition exists which otherwise would cause the link-on output to be
activated if the LLC were inactive, then the link-on output is activated when the LLC
subsequently becomes inactive.
TESTM CMOS 78 I Test control input. This input is used in the manufacturing test of the TSB41BA3D. For
normal use this terminal must be pulled high through a 1-k resistor to V
TPA0 Cable 45 I/O Port-0 twisted-pair differential-signal terminals. Board traces from each pair of positive and
TPA0+ 46 negative differential signal terminals must be kept matched and as short as possible to the
TPB0 41 external load resistors and to the cable connector. Request the S800 1394b layout
TPB0+ 42 recommendations document from your Texas Instruments representative.
TPA1 Cable 52 I/O Port-1 twisted-pair differential-signal terminals. Board traces from each pair of positive and
TPA1+ 53 negative differential signal terminals must be kept matched and as short as possible to the
TPB1 48 external load resistors and to the cable connector. Request the S800 1394b layout
TPB1+ 49 recommendations document from your Texas Instruments representative.
TPA2 Cable 58 I/O Port-2 twisted-pair differential-signal terminals. Board traces from each pair of positive and
TPA2+ 59 negative differential signal terminals must be kept matched and as short as possible to the
TPB2 55 external load resistors and to the cable connector. Request the S800 1394b layout
TPB2+ 56 recommendations document from your Texas Instruments representative.
TPBIAS0_SD0 Cable In 47 I/O Twisted-pair bias output and signal detect input. This provides the 1.86-V nominal bias
TPBIAS1_SD1 54 voltage needed for proper operation of the twisted-pair cable drivers and receivers, and for
TPBIAS2_SD2 60 signaling to the remote nodes that there is an active cable connection in 1394a-2000 mode.
Each of these terminals, except for an unused port, must be decoupled with a 1- µ F
capacitor to ground. For the unused port, this terminal can be left unconnected.
When a port is configured as a Beta-mode port (B1, B2, B4) this terminal becomes an input
and must be high when a valid signal is present. For optical transceivers, the signal detect
of the transceiver must be connected to this terminal. The input is an LVCMOS level input.
VREG_PD CMOS 73 I Voltage regulator power-down input. When asserted logic-high, this terminal powers down
the internal 3.3-V-to-1.8-V regulator. For single-supply (3.3-V only) operation, this terminal
must be tied to GND.
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Product Folder Link(s): TSB41BA3D