Board Layout
3 Board Layout
Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the board layout for the TPS65300EVM PWB. The EVM offers
jumpers to enable the device in various ways and to select supply rails for 3.3V and 1.2V linear regulators.
Figure 10 shows the schematic.
The TPS65300 converter offers high efficiency, but does dissipate power. The PowerPAD™ package
offers an exposed thermal pad to enhance thermal performance. This must be soldered to the copper
landing on the PCB for optimal performance. The PCB provides a GND-plane on the bottom side to
dissipate heat from the device, transferred via the PowerPad™ and thermal vias underneath the device.
The external transistors have a smaller area on the top side connected to their collector to allow heat
Figure 7. Top Assembly Layer
SLVU685February 2012 TPS65300EVM
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