
TPS65070, TPS65072, TPS65073
TPS650731, TPS650732, TPS650701, TPS650702, TPS650721
PIN FUNCTIONS (continued)
SDAT 27 I/O Data line for the I2C interface.
Analog input1 for A/D converter;
43 I TPS65070, TPS650701, TPS650702, TPS65073, TPS650731, TPS650732 only:
Input 1 to the x-plate for the touch screen.
Analog input2 for A/D converter;
44 I TPS65070, TPS650701, TPS650702, TPS65073, TPS650731, TPS650732 only:
Input 2 to the x-plate for the touch screen
Analog input3 for A/D converter;
45 I TPS65070, TPS650701, TPS650702, TPS65073, TPS650731, TPS650732 only:
Input 1 to the y-plate for the touch screen
Analog input4 for A/D converter;
46 I TPS65070, TPS650701, TPS650702, TPS65073, TPS650731, TPS650732 only:
Input 2 to the y-plate for the touch screen
Connect a 10μF bypass cap from this pin to GND. This pin can optionally be used as a reference output
(2.26 V). The maximum load on this pin is 0.1mA.
Connect a 2.2μF bypass cap from this pin to GND. The pin is connected to an internal LDO providing the
power for the touch screen controller (TSREF).
Open drain interrupt output. An interrupt can be generated upon:
• A touch of the touch screen
INT 40 O
• Voltage applied or removed at pins AC or USB
• PB_IN actively pulled low (optionally actively pulled high)
The output is actively pulled low if the interrupt is active. The output goes high after the Bit causing the
interrupt in register INT has been read. The interrupt sources can be masked in register INT, so no interrupt
is generated and pin INT is pulled high with its external pull-up resistor.
VINDCDC1/2 21 I Input voltage for DCDC1 and DCDC2 step-down converter. This pin must be connected to the SYS pin.
Feedback voltage sense input. For the fixed voltage option, this pin must directly be connected to Vout1, for
the adjustable version, this pin is connected to an external resistor divider.
L1 20 O Switch Pin for DCDC1. Connect to Inductor
EN_DCDC1 14 I Enable Input for DCDC1, active high
VDCDC2 23 I Feedback voltage sense input, connect directly to Vout2
DEFDCDC2 18 I Select Pin of DCDC2 output voltage.
L2 22 O Switch Pin of DCDC2. Connect to Inductor.
EN_DCDC2 15 I Enable Input for DCDC2, active high
VINDCDC3 32 I Input voltage for DCDC3 step-down converter. This pin must be connected to the SYS pin.
VDCDC3 29 I Feedback voltage sense input, connect directly to Vout3
DEFDCDC3 17 I Select Pin of DCDC3 output voltage.
L3 31 O Switch Pin of DCDC3. Connect to Inductor.
EN_DCDC3 16 I Enable Input for DCDC3, active high
PGND3 30 Power GND for DCDC3. Connect to PGND (PowerPAD)
AGND 42 Analog GND, connect to PGND (PowerPAD)
VINLDO1/2 3 I Input voltage for LDO1 and LDO2
VLDO1 4 O Output voltage of LDO1
VLDO2 2 O Output voltage of LDO2
L4 37 I Switch Pin of the white LED (wLED) boost converter. Connect to Inductor and rectifier diode.
FB_wLED 38 I Feedback input for the boost converter's output voltage.
Connect a resistor from this pin to GND to set the full scale current for Isink1 and Isink2 with Bit Current
Level in register WLED_CTRL0 set to 1.
35 I
Analog input6 for the A/D converter.
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