2 Setup
This section describes the jumpers and connectors on the EVM as well as how to properly connect, set
up, and use the TPS62366AEVM-757.
2.1 Connector/Jumper Descriptions
2.1.1 J1 – V
This header is for the positive input supply voltage to the converter. The leads to the input supply should
be twisted and kept as short as possible to minimize EMI transmission and reduce inductive voltage droop
during a load transient event. This voltage should be between 2.5V and 5.5V.
2.1.2 J2 – S+/S-
Sense connector for V
. Connect input supply's sense leads to this point. Monitor the V
voltage at this
2.1.3 J3 – GND
This is the return connection for the input power supply of the converter. The leads to the input supply
should be twisted and kept as short as possible to minimize EMI transmission and reduce inductive
voltage droop during a load transient event.
2.1.4 J4 – V
This header connects to V
. Connect the load (processor) at this point if the load current will remain
below 1A. If the load current will exceed 1A, use terminal block J7 instead. The leads to the load should
be twisted and kept as short as possible to minimize EMI transmission and reduce inductive voltage droop
during a load transient event.
2.1.5 J5 – SNS+/SNS-
Remote sense connector for the IC. For proper regulation, this must be connected at the load. The
leads to the load should be twisted and kept as short as possible to minimize noise pickup. This is a high
impedance connection back to the TPS62366A's remote sense inputs and is required for output
regulation. Monitor the output voltage at this point.
NOTE: User must connect J5 to load.
2.1.6 J6 – GND
This is the return connection for the load. If the load current will exceed 1A, do not use headers J4 and J6,
but use terminal block J7 instead. The leads to the load should be twisted and kept as short as possible to
minimize EMI transmission and reduce inductive voltage droop during a load transient event.
2.1.7 J7 – V
/GND Terminal Block
This terminal block should be used to connect to the load (processor) if the load current will exceed 1A. If
the load current will remain below 1A, the J4/J6 headers may be used instead. The leads to the load
should be twisted and kept as short as possible to minimize EMI transmission and reduce inductive
voltage droop during a load transient event.
2.1.8 J8 – I
C Connection from USB-TO-GPIO Adaptor
This connects the USB-TO-GPIO adaptor to the TPS62366AEVM-757. It provides the I
C signals and a
3.3V supply for powering V
. If the USB-TO-GPIO adaptor is not used, do not connect to J8, but connect
the I
C signals to the J9 header instead. This connector is keyed to prevent incorrect installation.
SLVU690April 2012 TPS62366AEVM-757
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