
Beta Compensation Configuration Register
be GND collector-connected in this mode, but no beta
compensation factor is applied. When the beta
If the Beta Compensation Configuration Register is
correction is set to '0111' or the sensor is diode-
set to '1xxx' (beta correction enabled) for a given
connected (base shorted to collector), the η-factor
remote channel at the beginning of each temperature
used by the TMP431/32 is 1.008. When the beta
conversion, the TMP431/32 automatically detect if the
correction configuration is set to '1xxx' (beta
sensor is diode-connected or GND collector-
correction enabled) and the sensor is GND collector-
connected, select the proper beta range, and
connected (PNP collector to ground), the η-factor
measure the sensor temperature appropriately.
used by the TMP431/32 is 1.000. Table 10 shows the
If the Beta Compensation Configuration Register is read value for the selected beta ranges and the
set to '0111' (beta correction disabled) for a given appropriate η-factor used for each conversion.
channel, the automatic detection is bypassed and the
temperature is measured assuming a diode-
connected sensor. A PNP transistor may continue to
Table 10. Beta Compensation Configuration Register
1000 Automatically selected range 0 (0.10 < beta < 0.18) 1.000 126ms
1001 Automatically selected range 1 (0.16 < beta < 0.26) 1.000 126ms
1010 Automatically selected range 2 (0.24 < beta < 0.43) 1.000 126ms
1011 Automatically selected range 3 (0.35 < beta < 0.78) 1.000 126ms
1100 Automatically selected range 4 (0.64 < beta < 1.8) 1.000 126ms
1101 Automatically selected range 5 (1.4 < beta < 9.0) 1.000 126ms
1110 Automatically selected range 6 (6.7 < beta < 40.0) 1.000 126ms
1111 Automatically selected range 7 (beta > 27.0) 1.000 126ms
1111 Automatically detected diode connected sensor 1.008 93ms
0000 Manually selected range 0 (0.10 < beta < 0.5) 1.000 93ms
0001 Manually selected range 1 (0.13 < beta < 1.0) 1.000 93ms
0010 Manually selected range 2 (0.18 < beta < 2.0) 1.000 93ms
0011 Manually selected range 3 (0.3 < beta < 25) 1.000 93ms
0100 Manually selected range 4 (0.5 < beta < 50) 1.000 93ms
0101 Manually selected range 5 (1.1 < beta < 100) 1.000 93ms
0110 Manually selected range 6 (2.4 < beta < 150) 1.000 93ms
0111 Manually disabled beta correction 1.008 93ms
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