
If AL/TH = 1, the ALERT/THERM2 pin implements a
THERM function (THERM2). In this mode, THERM2
The Configuration Register sets the temperature
functions similarly to the THERM pin except that the
range, controls shutdown mode, and determines how
local high limit and remote high limit registers are
the ALERT/THERM2 pin functions. The Configuration
used for the thresholds. THERM2 goes low when
Register is set by writing to pointer address 09h and
either RHIGH or LHIGH is set.
read by reading from pointer address 03h.
The temperature range is set by configuring bit 2 of
The MASK bit (bit 7) enables or disables the ALERT
the Configuration Register. Setting this bit low
pin output if AL/TH = 0. If AL/TH = 1, then the MASK
configures the TMP411-Q1 for the standard
bit has no effect. If MASK is set to 0, the ALERT pin
measurement range (0°C to 127°C), and temperature
goes low when one of the temperature measurement
conversions are stored in the standard binary format.
channels exceeds its high or low limits for the chosen
Setting bit 2 high configures the TMP411-Q1 for the
number of consecutive conversions. If the MASK bit
extended measurement range (–55°C to 150°C)
is set to 1, the TMP411-Q1 retains the ALERT pin
temperature conversions are stored in the extended
status, but the ALERT pin does not go low.
binary format (see Table 1).
The shutdown (SD) bit (bit 6) enables or disables the
The remaining bits of the Configuration Register are
temperature measurement circuitry. If SD = 0, the
reserved and must always be set to 0. The power-on-
TMP411-Q1 converts continuously at the rate set in
reset value for this register is 00h. Table 6
the conversion rate register. When SD is set to 1, the
summarizes the bits of the Configuration Register.
TMP411-Q1 immediately stops converting and enters
a shutdown mode. When SD is set to 0 again, the
TMP411-Q1 resumes continuous conversions. A
The TMP411x-Q1 device
single conversion can be started when SD = 1 by
family is set to standard
writing to the One-Shot Register.
temperature range as default.
The AL/TH bit (bit 5) controls whether the ALERT pin
Therefore, the device always
functions in ALERT mode or THERM2 mode. If
needs to be configured to
AL/TH = 0, the ALERT pin operates as an interrupt
extended temperature range
pin. In this mode, the ALERT pin goes low after the
after power-up if this feature is
set number of consecutive out-of-limit temperature
measurements occurs.
Table 6. Configuration Register Bit Descriptions
CONFIGURATION REGISTER (Read = 03h, Write = 09h, POR = 00h)
7 MASK 0 = ALERT enabled; 1 = ALERT masked 0
6 SD 0 = Run; 1 = Shut down 0
5 AL/TH 0 = ALERT mode; 1 = THERM mode 0
4, 3 Reserved 0
2 Temperature range 0 = 0°C to 127° C; 1 = 55°C to 150°C 0
1, 0 Reserved 0
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