
F28M36P63C, F28M36P53C, F28M36H53C, F28M36H53B, F28M36H33C, F28M36H33B
3.3.4 Cortex-M3 Vector Table
Each peripheral interrupt of Table 3-15 is assigned an address offset containing the location of the
peripheral interrupt handler (relative to the vector table base) for that particular interrupt (vector numbers
Similarly, each exception interrupt of Table 3-16 (including Reset) is also assigned an address offset
containing the location of the exception interrupt handler (relative to the vector table base) for that
particular interrupt (vector numbers 1–15).
In addition to interrupt vectors, the vector table also contains the initial stack pointer value at table
location 0.
Following system reset, the vector table base is fixed at address 0x0000.0000. Privileged software can
write to the Vector Table Offset (VTABLE) register to relocate the vector table start address to a different
memory location, in the range 0x0000 0200 to 0x3FFF FE00. Note that when configuring the VTABLE
register, the offset must be aligned on a 512-byte boundary.
3.3.5 Cortex-M3 Local Peripherals
The Cortex-M3 local peripherals include two Watchdogs, an NMI Watchdog, four General-Purpose Timers,
four SSI peripherals, two CAN peripherals, five UARTs, two I
C peripherals, Ethernet, USB + PHY, EPI,
and µCRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check). The USB and EPI are accessible through the AHB Bus
(Advanced High-Performance Bus). The EPI peripheral is also accessible from the Control Subsystem.
The remaining peripherals are accessible through the APB Bus (Advanced Peripheral Bus). The APB and
AHB bus cycles originate from the CPU System Bus or the µ DMA Bus via a bus bridge.
While the Cortex-M3 CPU has access to all the peripherals, the µDMA has access to most, with the
exception of the µCRC, Watchdogs, NMI Watchdog, CAN peripherals, and the I
C peripheral. The Cortex-
M3 peripherals connect to the Concerto device pins via GPIO_MUX1. Most of the peripherals also
generate event signals for the µDMA and the NVIC. The Watchdogs receive M3SWRST from the NVIC
(triggered by software) and send M3WDRST[1:0] reset requests to the Reset block. The NMI Watchdog
receives the M3NMI event from the NMI block and sends the M3NMIRST request to the Resets block.
See Section 7.2 for more information on the Cortex-M3 peripherals.
3.3.6 Cortex-M3 Local Memory
The Local Memory includes Boot ROM; Secure Flash with ECC; Secure C0/C1 RAM with ECC; and
C2/C3 RAM with Parity Error Checking. The Boot ROM and Flash are both accessible through the I-
CODE and D-CODE Buses. Flash registers can also be accessed by the Cortex-M3 CPU through the
APB Bus. All Local Memory is accessible from the Cortex-M3 CPU; the C2/C3 RAM is also accessible by
the µDMA.
Two types of error correction events can be generated during access of the Local Memory: uncorrectable
errors and single errors. The uncorrectable errors (including one from the Shared Memories) generate a
Bus Fault Exception to the Cortex-M3 CPU. The less critical single errors go to the NVIC where they can
result in maskable interrupts to the Cortex-M3 CPU.
26 Device Overview Copyright © 2012–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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