HPD Pins
DDC Channels
Configuring the TMDS341A as a 2:1 Switch
Layout Considerations
Connecting Cables Longer Than 5 m
TMDS Signal Path
When the power source of the device, V
, is off and the power source to termination, AV
, is on, the output
leakage current (I
) specification ensures leakage current is limited to 10-µA or less.
The PRE pin provides 3-dB de-emphasis, allowing output signal pre-conditioning to offset interconnect losses
from the TMDS341A outputs to a TMDS receiver. PRE is recommended to be low to the circuit design of a
stand-alone switch box.
The input of the HPD_SINK is 5-V tolerant, allowing direct connection to 5-V signals. The HPD pin output
resistance is 35- typically. A 1-k 10% resistor is recommended to be connected from an HPD pin at the
TMDS341A to the HPD pin of the HDMI connector.
The DDC channels are designed with a bi-directional pass gate, providing 5-V signal tolerance. The 5-V
tolerance allows direct connection to a standard I
C bus. The level shifter between 3.3 V and 5 V I
C interface
can be eliminated.
The TMDS341A can be configured as a 2-to-1 switch by pulling the source selector pin (S1, S2, S3) of the
non-active port low and leaving the corresponding TMDS inputs, SCL, SDA, and HPD pins open.
The high-speed TMDS inputs are the most critical paths for the TMDS341A. There are several considerations to
minimize discontinuities on these transmission lines between the connectors and the device:
Maintain 100- differential transmission line impedance into and out of the TMDS341A
Keep an uninterrupted ground plane beneath the high-speed I/Os
Keep the ground-path vias to the device as close as possible to allow the shortest return current path
Layout of the TMDS differential inputs should be with the shortest stubs from the connectors
When using the TMDS341A with cables longer than 5 m, the impact to the TMDS signal path as well as the
DDC signal path must be considered.
The TMDS341A receiver equalization circuit provides the capability of compensating inter-symbol interference
(ISI) losses in a 5-m 28-AWG DVI cable. Typical cable measurements indicate that the TMDS341A can drive a
5-m 28-AWG HDMI cable and pass the eye mask at the output of a HDMI source (TP1) and a 10-m 28-AWG
HDMI cable and pass the eye mask at the input of a HDMI sink (TP2). Figure 36 through Figure 39 show the
eye mask measurement results.
Figure 36. Eye Diagram at Output 5-m 28-AWG Cable vs Figure 37. Eye Diagram Recovered by TMDS341A vs TP1
TP1 Eye Mask Eye Mask
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