Page 0 / Register 104: Left-AGC New Programmable Decay Time Register
D7 R/W 0 Decay Time Register Selection
0: Decay time for the left AGC is generated from register 26.
1: Decay time for the left AGC is generated from this register.
D6 D5 R/W 00 Baseline AGC Decay Time
00: Left-AGC decay time = 50 ms
01: Left-AGC decay time = 150 ms
10: Left-AGC decay time = 250 ms
11: Left-AGC decay time = 350 ms
D4 D2 R/W 000 Multiplication Factor for Baseline AGC
000: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 1
001: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 2
010: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 4
011: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 8
100: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 16
101: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 32
110: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 64
111: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC decay time = 128
D1 D0 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only zeros to these register bits.
(1) Decay time is limited based on the NADC ratio that is selected. For
NADC = 1, maximum decay time = 4 seconds
NADC = 1.5, maximum decay time = 5.6 seconds
NADC = 2, maximum decay time = 8 seconds
NADC = 2.5, maximum decay time = 9.6 seconds
NADC = 3 or 3.5, maximum decay time = 11.2 seconds
NADC = 4 or 4.5, maximum decay time = 16 seconds
NADC = 5, maximum decay time = 19.2 seconds
NADC = 5.5 or 6, maximum decay time = 22.4 seconds
Page 0 / Register 105: Right-AGC New Programmable Attack Time Register
D7 R/W 0 Attack Time Register Selection
0: Attack time for the right AGC is generated from register 29.
1: Attack time for the right AGC is generated from this register.
D6 D5 R/W 00 Baseline AGC Attack Time
00: Right-AGC attack time = 7 ms
01: Right-AGC attack time = 8 ms
10: Right-AGC attack time = 10 ms
11: Right-AGC attack time = 11 ms
D4 D2 R/W 000 Multiplication Factor for Baseline AGC
000: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 1
001: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 2
010: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 4
011: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 8
100: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 16
101: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 32
110: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 64
111: Multiplication factor for the baseline AGC attack time = 128
D1 D0 R/W 00 Reserved. Write only zeros to these register bits.
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