
Table 11. Summary of Register Map (continued)
1 9 0x01 0x09 Output Driver Power Control Register
1 10 0x01 0x0A Common Mode Control Register
1 11 0x01 0x0B Over Current Protection Configuration Register
1 12 0x01 0x0C HPL Routing Selection Register
1 13 0x01 0x0D HPR Routing Selection Register
1 14 0x01 0x0E LOL Routing Selection Register
1 15 0x01 0x0F LOR Routing Selection Register
1 16 0x01 0x10 HPL Driver Gain Setting Register
1 17 0x01 0x11 HPR Driver Gain Setting Register
1 18 0x01 0x12 LOL Driver Gain Setting Register
1 19 0x01 0x13 LOR Driver Gain Setting Register
1 20 0x01 0x14 Headphone Driver Startup Control Register
1 21 0x01 0x15 Reserved Register
1 22 0x01 0x16 IN1L to HPL Volume Control Register
1 23 0x01 0x17 IN1R to HPR Volume Control Register
1 24 0x01 0x18 Mixer Amplifier Left Volume Control Register
1 25 0x01 0x19 Mixer Amplifier Right Volume Control Register
1 26-50 0x01 0x1A-0x32 Reserved Register
1 51 0x01 0x33 MICBIAS Configuration Register
1 52 0x01 0x34 Left MICPGA Positive Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register
1 53 0x01 0x35 Reserved Register
1 54 0x01 0x36 Left MICPGA Negative Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register
1 55 0x01 0x37 Right MICPGA Positive Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register
1 56 0x01 0x38 Reserved Register
1 57 0x01 0x39 Right MICPGA Negative Terminal Input Routing Configuration Register
1 58 0x01 0x3A Floating Input Configuration Register
1 59 0x01 0x3B Left MICPGA Volume Control Register
1 60 0x01 0x3C Right MICPGA Volume Control Register
1 61 0x01 0x3D ADC Power Tune Configuration Register
1 62 0x01 0x3E ADC Analog Volume Control Flag Register
1 63 0x01 0x3F DAC Analog Gain Control Flag Register
1 64-70 0x01 0x40-0x46 Reserved Register
1 71 0x01 0x47 Analog Input Quick Charging Configuration Register
1 72-122 0x01 0x48-0x7A Reserved Register
1 123 0x01 0x7B Reference Power-up Configuration Register
1 124-127 0x01 0x7C-0x7F Reserved Register
8 0 0x08 0x00 Page Select Register
8 1 0x08 0x01 ADC Adaptive Filter Configuration Register
8 2-7 0x08 0x02-0x07 Reserved
8 8-127 0x08 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-A C(0:29)
9-16 0 0x09-0x10 0x00 Page Select Register
9-16 1-7 0x09-0x10 0x01-0x07 Reserved
9-16 8-127 0x09-0x10 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-A C(30:255)
26-34 0 0x1A-0x22 0x00 Page Select Register
26-34 1-7 0x1A-0x22 0x01-0x07 Reserved.
26-34 8-127 0x1A-0x22 0x08-0x7F ADC Coefficients Buffer-B C(0:255)
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