TLV320AIC12, TLV320AIC13
TLV320AIC14, TLV320AIC15
Terminal Functions
NAME AIC12/13/12K AIC14/15/14K AIC12K AIC14K
IOVSS 1 1 5 5 I Digital I/O ground
IOVDD 2 2 6 6 I Digital I/O power supply
Frame sync delayed output. The FSD output synchronizes a slave
device to the frame sync of the master device. FSD is applied to the
slave FS input and is the same duration as the master FS signal. This
FSD 3 3 7 7 O
pin must be pulled low if AIC1x is a stand-alone slave. It must be
pulled high if the AIC1x is a stand-alone master or the last slave in the
Frame sync. When FS goes low, DIN begins receiving data bits and
FS 4 4 8 8 I/O DOUT begins transmitting data bits. In master mode, FS is internally
generated. In slave mode, FS is externally generated.
Data output. DOUT transmits the ADC output bits and registers data,
DOUT 5 5 9 9 O and is synchronized to SCLK and FS. Data is sent out at the rising
edge of SCLK. Outside data/control frame, DOUT is put in 3-state.
Data input. DIN receives the DAC input data and register data from the
DIN 6 6 10 10 I external DSP (digital signal processor) and is synchronized to SCLK
and FS. Data is latched at the falling edge of SCLK.
Master/slave select input. When M/S is high, the device is the master,
M/S 7 7 11 11 I
and when low it is a slave.
Power down. When PWRDN is pulled low, the device goes into a
power-down mode, the serial interface is disabled, and most of the
high-speed clocks are disabled. However, all the register values are
PWRDN 8 8 12 12 I
sustained and the device resumes full-power operation without
reinitialization when PWRDN is pulled high again. PWRDN resets the
counters only and preserves the programmed register contents.
Inverting output of the DAC. OUTM1 is functionally identical with and
complementary to OUTP1. This differential output can drive a
OUTM1 9 9 13 13 O
maximum load of 600 . This output can also be used alone for
single-ended operation.
Noninverting output of the DAC. This differential output can drive a
OUTP1 10 10 14 14 O maximum load of 600 . This output can also be used alone for
single-ended operation.
DRVDD 11 11 15 15 I Analog power supply for the 16- drivers OUTP2 and OUTP3
DRVSS 12 12 17 17 I Analog ground for the 16- drivers OUTP2 and OUTP3
Analog output number 2 from the 16- driver. This output can drive a
OUTP2 13 18 O maximum load of 16 , and also can be configured as either
single-ended output or differential output by the control register 6.
Programmable virtual ground for the output of OUTP2 and OUTP3
OUTMV 14 19 O
(see the Register Map).
Analog output number 3 from the 16- driver. This output can drive a
OUTP3 15 20 O maximum load of 16 , and also be configured as either single-ended
output or differential output by the control register 6.
AVSS 16 16 21 21 I Analog ground
AVDD 17 17 22 22 I Analog power supply
MICIN 18 18 23 23 I MIC preamplifier input. It must be connected to AVSS if not used.
INP2 19 19 24 24 I Noninverting analog input 2. It must be connected to AVSS if not used.
INM2 20 20 25 25 I Inverting analog input 2. It must be connected to AVSS if not used.
Bias output voltage is software selectable between 1.35 V and 2.35 V.
BIAS 21 21 27 27 O
Its output current is 5 mA.
INM1 22 22 28 28 I Inverting analog input 1. It must be connected to AVSS if not used.
INP1 23 23 29 29 I Noninverting analog input 1. It must be connected to AVSS if not used.
Hardware reset. The reset function is provided to initialize all of the
RESET 24 24 30 30 I internal registers to their default values. The serial port is configured to
the default state accordingly.
Master clock. MCLK derives the internal clocks of the sigma-delta
MCLK 25 25 31 31 I
analog interface circuit.
SCL 26 26 32 32 I
Programmable host port (I
C or S
C) clock input.
SDA 27 27 1 1 I/O
Programmable host port (I
C or S
C) data line.
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