Application Guide

Catalog >
Examines Expr for equations that are
separated by the word or,” and returns a
list containing the right-hand sides of the
equations of the form Var=Expr. This
gives you an easy way to extract some
solution values embedded in the results of
the solve(), cSolve(), fMin(), and fMax()
Note: explist() is not necessary with the
zeros() and cZeros() functions because they
return a list of solution values directly.
You can insert this function from the
keyboard by typing exp@>list(...).
Catalog >
expand(Expr1 [, Var]) expression
expand(List1 [,Var]) list
expand(Matrix1 [,Var]) matrix
expand(Expr1) returns Expr1 expanded
with respect to all its variables. The
expansion is polynomial expansion for
polynomials and partial fraction expansion
for rational expressions.
The goal of expand() is to transform Expr1
into a sum and/or difference of simple
terms. In contrast, the goal of factor() is to
transform Expr1 into a product and/or
quotient of simple factors.
expand(Expr1,Var) returns Expr1
expanded with respect to Var. Similar
powers of Var are collected. The terms and
their factors are sorted with Var as the
main variable. There might be some
incidental factoring or expansion of the
collected coefficients. Compared to
omitting Var, this often saves time,
memory, and screen space, while making
the expression more comprehensible.
Alphabetical Listing 65