EVM Setup and Operation
Figure 10. System Evaluation with U1 as Transmitter and U2 as Receiver at 115.2kbps
3.4 External Clock Input
The default setting for the clock source at the XTAL1 pin of U1 and U2 is the on-board crystal, Y1 and Y2
respectively. The SN65HVD62EVM also provides an option to use an external clock source on the XTAL1
pin. The following steps must be followed to enable this option for U1. Corresponding jumpers need to be
used to enable this option for U2.
1. Short pins 2 and 3 of jumper JU5.
2. Short jumper JU6 to connect the XTAL2 pin to GND.
3. Apply an external clock source of 8.704MHz at the SMA connector J2.
3.5 Standby Mode
Table 4 describes settings for putting the device into “stand-by” mode by making DIRSET1 = DIRSET2 =
In this mode, the Transmit channel of the device is disabled and it acts as a pure receiver. With the device
in stand-by mode, the current consumption is significantly reduced. If a logic low is applied at the TXIN pin
of the device in this mode, the device will not transmit since the transmit channel is disabled.
SLLU152December 2012 SN65HVD62 AISG On-Off Keying Modem Evaluation Module (EVM)
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