EVM Applications
2.6 EVM Applications
The PCM9211EVM contains an EEPROM that can store EVM applications; for example:
Initialization scripts
Parameter patch scripts
The CodecControl software also contains a browser to access the applications stored in the EEPROM. To
access the browser, select File->EVM Applications…. Figure 2-6 illustrates the EVM Applications window.
Figure 2-6. EVM Applications
Applications stored in the EEPROM are shown in a tree view.
To add an application, choose Add Application from the context menu (right-mouse click within the tree
To change the name of an application, select the application, single-click on the application, then type the
new name.
Each application owns one or several scripts. The scripts consist of a sequence of commands that
program the TI audio codec (or EVM components).
To add a script to an application, choose Add Script from the context menu. Double-click on the script to
open a command window. The command window has an Open button to choose a script via a file dialog.
Alternatively, it is also possible to write the script within the command window.
SBAU174June 2010 CodecControl Software
Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated