
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
Register 18 R/W 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ATLD FMT2 FMT1 FMT0 DMF1 DMF0 DME MUTE
R/W: Read/Write Mode Select
When R/W
= 0, a write operation is performed.
When R/W
= 1, a read operation is performed.
Default value: 0
ATLD: Attenuation Load Control
This bit is available for read and write.
Default value: 0
ATLD = 0 Attenuation control disabled (default)
ATLD = 1 Attenuation control enabled
The ATLD bit is used to enable loading of the attenuation data contained in registers 16 and 17. When ATLD = 0, the
attenuation settings remain at the previously programmed levels, ignoring new data loaded from registers 16 and 17. When
ATLD = 1, attenuation data written to registers 16 and 17 is loaded normally.
FMT[2:0]: Audio Interface Data Format
These bits are available for read and write.
Default value: 101
For the external digital filter interface mode (DFTH mode), this register is operated as shown in the Application for
Interfacing With an External Digital Filter section of this data sheet.
FMT[2:0] Audio Data Format Selection
000 16-bit standard, right-justified format data
001 20-bit standard, right-justified format data
010 24-bit standard, right-justified format data
011 24-bit MSB-first, left-justified format data
100 16-bit I
S format data
101 24-bit I
S format data (default)
110 Reserved
111 Reserved
The FMT[2:0] bits are used to select the data format for the serial audio interface.
DMF[1:0]: Sampling Frequency Selection for the De-Emphasis Function
These bits are available for read and write.
Default value: 00
DMF[1:0] De-Emphasis Sampling Frequency Selection
00 Disabled (default)
01 48 kHz
10 44.1 kHz
11 32 kHz
The DMF[1:0] bits are used to select the sampling frequency used by the digital de-emphasis function when it is enabled
by setting the DME bit. The de-emphasis curves are shown in the TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES section of this
data sheet.
For the DSD mode, analog FIR filter performance can be selected using this register. Filter response plots are shown in
the TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES section of this data sheet. A register map is shown in the Configuration for the
DSD Interface Mode section of this data sheet.