
External Digital Filter Interface and Timing
The PCM1792A supports an external digital filter interface comprising a 3- or 4-wire synchronous serial port, which allows
the use of an external digital filter. External filters include the Texas Instruments’ DF1704 and DF1706, the Pacific
Microsonics PMD200, or a programmable digital signal processor.
In the external DF mode, LRCK (pin 4), BCK (pin 6) and DATA (pin 5) are defined as WDCK, the word clock; BCK, the bit
clock; and DATA, the monaural data. The external digital filter interface is selected by using the DFTH bit of control register
20, which functions to bypass the internal digital filter of the PCM1792A.
When the DFMS bit of control register 19 is set, the PCM1792A can process stereo data. In this case, ZEROL (pin 1) and
ZEROR (pin 2) are defined as L-channel data and R-channel data, respectively.
Detailed information for the external digital filter interface mode is provided in the APPLICATION FOR EXTERNAL
DIGITAL FILTER INTERFACE section of this data sheet.
Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Format Interface and Timing
The PCM1792A supports the DSD-format interface operation, which includes out-of-band noise filtering using an internal
analog FIR filter. For DSD operation, SCK (pin 7) is redefined as BCK, DATA (pin 5) as DATAL (left channel audio data),
and LRCK (pin 4) as DATAR (right channel audio data). BCK (pin 6) must be forced low in the DSD mode. The DSD-format
interface is activated by setting the DSD bit of control register 20.
Detailed information for the DSD mode is provided in the APPLICATION FOR DSD-FORMAT (DSD MODE) INTERFACE
section of this data sheet.
TDMCA Interface
The PCM1792A supports the time-division-multiplexed command and audio (TDMCA) data format to enable control of and
communication with a number of external devices over a single serial interface.
Detailed information for the TDMCA format is provided in the TDMCA Format section of this data sheet.