
bridge does not recognize the configuration command. In this case, the bridge does not assert DEVSEL, and the
configuration transaction results in a master abort. The bridge services valid type 0 configuration read or write cycles
by accessing internal registers from the bridge configuration header (see Table 41).
Because type 1 configuration cycles are issued to devices on subordinate buses, the bridge claims type 1 cycles
based on the bus number of the destination bus. The P_AD bus encoding during the address phase of a type 1 cycle
is shown in Figure 33. The device number and bus number fields define the destination bus and device for the cycle.
31 24 23 16 15 11 10 8 721 0
Reserved Bus Number
0 1
Figure 33. PCI AD31AD0 During Address Phase of a Type 1 Configuration Cycle
Several bridge configuration registers shown in Table 41 are significant when decoding and claiming type 1
configuration cycles. The destination bus number encoded on the P_AD bus is compared to the values programmed
in the bridge configuration registers 18h, 19h, and 1Ah, which are the primary bus number, secondary bus number,
and subordinate bus number registers, respectively. These registers default to 00h and are programmed by host
software to reflect the bus hierarchy in the system (see Figure 34 for an example of a system bus hierarchy and how
the PCI2050 bus number registers would be programmed in this case).
PCI Bus 0
Primary Bus 00h
Secondary Bus 01h
Subordinate Bus 02h
Primary Bus 00h
Secondary Bus 03h
Subordinate Bus 03h
PCI Bus 1 PCI Bus 3
Primary Bus 01h
Secondary Bus 02h
Subordinate Bus 02h
PCI Bus 2
Figure 34. Bus Hierarchy and Numbering
When the PCI2050 claims a type 1 configuration cycle that has a bus number equal to its secondary bus number,
the PCI2050 converts the type 1 configuration cycle to a type 0 configuration cycle and asserts the proper S_AD line
as the IDSEL (see Table 32). All other type 1 transactions that access a bus number greater than the bridge
secondary bus number but less than or equal to its subordinate bus number are forwarded as type 1 configuration