
Table 26. Primary PCI Interface Control Terminals
Primary device select. The bridge asserts P_DEVSEL to claim a PCI cycle as the target device. As
a PCI master on the primary bus, the bridge monitors P_DEVSEL
until a target responds. If no target
responds before time-out occurs, then the bridge terminates the cycle with a master abort.
80 P10 I/O
Primary cycle frame. P_FRAME is driven by the master of a primary bus cycle. P_FRAME is asserted
to indicate that a bus transaction is beginning, and data transfers continue while this signal is
asserted. When P_FRAME is deasserted, the primary bus transaction is in the final data phase.
46 P3 I
Primary bus grant to bridge. P_GNT is driven by the primary PCI bus arbiter to grant the bridge
access to the primary PCI bus after the current data transaction has completed. P_GNT
may or may
not follow a primary bus request, depending on the primary bus arbitration algorithm.
Primary initialization device select. P_IDSEL selects the bridge during configuration space
accesses. P_IDSEL can be connected to one of the upper 24 PCI address lines on the primary PCI
Note: There is no IDSEL signal interfacing the secondary PCI bus; thus, the entire configuration
space of the bridge can only be accessed from the primary bus.
P_IRDY 82 V11 I/O
Primary initiator ready. P_IRDY indicates ability of the primary bus master to complete the current
data phase of the transaction. A data phase is completed on a rising edge of P_CLK where both
P_IRDY and P_TRDY are asserted. Until P_IRDY and P_TRDY are both sampled asserted, wait
states are inserted.
P_LOCK 87 V12 I/O
Primary PCI bus lock. P_LOCK is used to lock the primary bus and gain exclusive access as a bus
P_PAR 90 R12 I/O
Primary parity. In all primary bus read and write cycles, the bridge calculates even parity across the
P_AD and P_C/BE
buses. As a bus master during PCI write cycles, the bridge outputs this parity
indicator with a one-P_CLK delay. As a target during PCI read cycles, the calculated parity is
compared to the parity indicator of the master; a miscompare can result in a parity error assertion
88 U12 I/O
Primary parity error indicator. P_PERR is driven by a primary bus PCI device to indicate that
calculated parity does not match P_PAR when P_PERR
is enabled through bit 6 of the command
register (PCI offset 04h, see Section 4.3).
P_REQ 47 R1 O
Primary PCI bus request. Asserted by the bridge to request access to the primary PCI bus as a
P_SERR 89 P12 O
Primary system error. Output pulsed from the bridge when enabled through the command register
(PCI offset 04h, see Section 4.3) indicating a system error has occurred. The bridge needs not be
the target of the primary PCI cycle to assert this signal. When bit 6 is enabled in the bridge control
register (PCI offset 3Eh, see Section 4.32), this signal also pulses, indicating that a system error has
occurred on one of the subordinate buses downstream from the bridge.
P_STOP 85 R11 I/O
Primary cycle stop signal. This signal is driven by a PCI target to request that the master stop the
current primary bus transaction. This signal is used for target disconnects and is commonly asserted
by target devices which do not support burst data transfers.
P_TRDY 83 U11 I/O
Primary target ready. P_TRDY indicates the ability of the primary bus target to complete the current
data phase of the transaction. A data phase is completed upon a rising edge of P_CLK where both
P_IRDY and P_TRDY are asserted. Until both P_IRDY and P_TRDY are asserted, wait states are