
MSP430F5438, MSP430F5437, MSP430F5436, MSP430F5435
MSP430F5419, MSP430F5418
ADC12_A (Link to User's Guide)
The ADC12_A module supports fast, 12-bit analog-to-digital conversions. The module implements a 12-bit SAR
core, sample select control, reference generator and a 16 word conversion-and-control buffer. The conversion-
and-control buffer allows up to 16 independent ADC samples to be converted and stored without any CPU
CRC16 (Link to User's Guide)
The CRC16 module produces a signature based on a sequence of entered data values and can be used for data
checking purposes. The CRC16 module signature is based on the CRC-CCITT standard.
Embedded Emulation Module (EEM) (L Version) (Link to User's Guide)
The Embedded Emulation Module (EEM) supports real-time in-system debugging. The L version of the EEM
implemented on all devices has the following features:
Eight hardware triggers or breakpoints on memory access
Two hardware trigger or breakpoint on CPU register write access
Up to ten hardware triggers can be combined to form complex triggers or breakpoints
Two cycle counters
State storage
Clock control on module level
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Product Folder Links: MSP430F5438 MSP430F5437 MSP430F5436 MSP430F5435 MSP430F5419 MSP430F5418