
MSP430F5438, MSP430F5437, MSP430F5436, MSP430F5435
MSP430F5419, MSP430F5418
Real-Time Clock (RTC_A) (Link to User's Guide)
The RTC_A module can be used as a general-purpose 32-bit counter (counter mode) or as an integrated real-
time clock (RTC) (calendar mode). In counter mode, the RTC_A also includes two independent 8-bit timers that
can be cascaded to form a 16-bit timer/counter. Both timers can be read and written by software. Calendar mode
integrates an internal calendar which compensates for months with less than 31 days and includes leap year
correction. The RTC_A also supports flexible alarm functions and offset-calibration hardware.
Watchdog Timer (WDT_A) (Link to User's Guide)
The primary function of the watchdog timer (WDT_A) module is to perform a controlled system restart after a
software problem occurs. If the selected time interval expires, a system reset is generated. If the watchdog
function is not needed in an application, the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate
interrupts at selected time intervals.
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Product Folder Links: MSP430F5438 MSP430F5437 MSP430F5436 MSP430F5435 MSP430F5419 MSP430F5418