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Enable Interrupt Control (EICON)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
SFR D8h SMOD1 1 EAI AI WDTI 0 0 0 40h
SMOD1 Serial Port 1 Mode. When this bit is set the serial baud rate for Port 1 will be doubled.
bit 7 0 = Standard baud rate for Port 1 (default).
1 = Double baud rate for Port 1.
EAI Enable Auxiliary Interrupt. The Auxiliary Interrupt accesses nine different interrupts which are masked and
bit 5 identified by SFR registers PAI (SFR A5h), AIE (SFR A6h), and AISTAT (SFR A7h).
0 = Auxiliary Interrupt disabled (default).
1 = Auxiliary Interrupt enabled.
AI Auxiliary Interrupt Flag. AI must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine, after the source
bit 4 of the interrupt is cleared. Otherwise, the interrupt occurs again. Setting AI in software generates an Auxiliary
Interrupt, if enabled.
0 = No Auxiliary Interrupt detected (default).
1 = Auxiliary Interrupt detected.
WDTI Watchdog Timer Interrupt Flag. WDTI must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine.
bit 3 Otherwise, the interrupt occurs again. Setting WDTI in software generates a watchdog time interrupt, if enabled. The
Watchdog timer can generate an interrupt or reset. The interrupt is available only if the reset action is disabled in
0 = No Watchdog Timer Interrupt Detected (default).
1 = Watchdog Timer Interrupt Detected.
ADC Results Low Byte (ADRESL)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
SFR D9h 00h
ADRESL The ADC Results Low Byte. This is the low byte of the 24-bit word that contains the ADC results.
bits 7−0 Reading from this register clears the ADC interrupt; however, AI in EICON (SFR D8) must also be cleared.
ADC Results Middle Byte (ADRESM)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
SFR DAh 00h
ADRESM The ADC Results Middle Byte. This is the middle byte of the 24-bit word that contains the A/D conversion results.
bits 7−0
ADC Results High Byte (ADRESH)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
SFR DBh 00h
ADRESH The ADC Results High Byte. This is the high byte of the 24-bit word that contains the A/D conversion results.
bits 7−0