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Timer/Counter Control (TCON)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset Value
SFR 88h TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 00h
TF1 Timer 1 Overflow Flag. This bit indicates when Timer 1 overflows its maximum count as defined by the current mode.
bit 7 This bit can be cleared by software and is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 1 interrupt service
0: No Timer 1 overflow has been detected.
1: Timer 1 has overflowed its maximum count.
TR1 Timer 1 Run Control. This bit enables/disables the operation of Timer 1. Halting this timer preserves the current
bit 6 count in TH1, TL1.
0: Timer is halted.
1: Timer is enabled.
TF0 Timer 0 Overflow Flag. This bit indicates when Timer 0 overflows its maximum count as defined by the current mode.
bit 5 This bit can be cleared by software and is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 0 interrupt service
0: No Timer 0 overflow has been detected.
1: Timer 0 has overflowed its maximum count.
TR0 Timer 0 Run Control. This bit enables/disables the operation of Timer 0. Halting this timer preserves the current
bit 4 count in TH0, TL0.
0: Timer is halted.
1: Timer is enabled.
IE1 Interrupt 1 Edge Detect. This bit is set when an edge/level of the type defined by IT1 is detected. If IT1 = 1, this bit
bit 3 will remain set until cleared in software or the start of the External Interrupt 1 service routine. If IT1 = 0, this bit will
inversely reflect the state of the INT1
IT1 Interrupt 1 Type Select. This bit selects whether the INT1
pin will detect edge or level triggered interrupts.
bit 2 0: INT1 is level-triggered.
1: INT1 is edge-triggered.
IE0 Interrupt 0 Edge Detect. This bit is set when an edge/level of the type defined by IT0 is detected. If IT0 = 1, this bit
bit 1 will remain set until cleared in software or the start of the External Interrupt 0 service routine. If IT0 = 0, this bit will
inversely reflect the state of the INT0
IT0 Interrupt 0 Type Select. This bit selects whether the INT0 pin will detect edge or level triggered interrupts.
bit 0 0: INT0 is level-triggered.
1: INT0 is edge-triggered.