
C1 =
I x t
0.15A x 3.57 Ps
= 0.268 PF
C2: C2 should generally be no smaller than 3.3µF. Typically, its value is 10µF to 20µF, with the optimum value
determined by the load. If the load current is fairly constant, a small value suffices for C2. If the load current
includes significant transients, a larger value is necessary. For each application, experimentation is needed to
determine the optimum values for R3 and C2.
: When current limit is detected, the minimum off-time set by this resistor must be greater than the maximum
normal off-time, which occurs at maximum input voltage. Using Equation 4, the minimum on-time is 476 ns,
yielding an off-time of 3.8 µs (at 234 kHz). Due to the 25% tolerance on the on-time, the off-time tolerance is also
25%, yielding a maximum off-time of 4.75 µs. Allowing for the response time of the current limit detection circuit
(350 ns) increases the maximum off-time to 5.1 µs. This is increased an additional 25% to 6.4 µs to allow for the
tolerances of Equation 5. Using Equation 5, R
calculates to 310 k at V
= 2.5V. A standard value 316 k
resistor will be used.
D1: The important parameters are reverse recovery time and forward voltage. The reverse recovery time
determines how long the reverse current surge lasts each time the buck switch is turned on. The forward voltage
drop is significant in the event the output is short-circuited as it is only this diode’s voltage which forces the
inductor current to reduce during the forced off-time. For this reason, a higher voltage is better, although that
affects efficiency. A good choice is a Schottky power diode, such as the DFLS1100. D1’s reverse voltage rating
must be at least as great as the maximum Vin, and its current rating be greater than the maximum current limit
threshold (360 mA).
C1: This capacitor’s purpose is to supply most of the switch current during the on-time, and limit the voltage
ripple at Vin, on the assumption that the voltage source feeding Vin has an output impedance greater than zero.
At maximum load current, when the buck switch turns on, the current into pin 8 will suddenly increase to the
lower peak of the output current waveform, ramp up to the peak value, then drop to zero at turn-off. The average
input current during this on-time is the load current (150 mA). For a worst case calculation, C1 must supply this
average load current during the maximum on-time. To keep the input voltage ripple to less than 2V (for this
exercise), C1 calculates to:
Quality ceramic capacitors in this value have a low ESR which adds only a few millivolts to the ripple. It is the
capacitance which is dominant in this case. To allow for the capacitor’s tolerance, temperature effects, and
voltage effects, a 1.0 µF, 100V, X7R capacitor will be used.
C4: The recommended value is 0.01µF for C4, as this is appropriate in the majority of applications. A high quality
ceramic capacitor, with low ESR is recommended as C4 supplies the surge current to charge the buck switch
gate at turn-on. A low ESR also ensures a quick recharge during each off-time. At minimum Vin, when the on-
time is at maximum, it is possible during start-up that C4 will not fully recharge during each 300 ns off-time. The
circuit will not be able to complete the start-up, and achieve output regulation. This can occur when the
frequency is intended to be low (e.g., R
= 500K). In this case C4 should be increased so it can maintain
sufficient voltage across the buck switch driver during each on-time.
C5: This capacitor helps avoid supply voltage transients and ringing due to long lead inductance at V
. A low
ESR, 0.1µF ceramic chip capacitor is recommended, located close to the LM5009A.
The final circuit is shown in Figure 12. The circuit was tested, and the resulting performance is shown in
Figure 13 and Figure 14.
The LM5009A regulation and over-voltage comparators are very fast, and as such will respond to short duration
noise pulses. Layout considerations are therefore critical for optimum performance. The components at pins 1, 2,
3, 5, and 6 should be as physically close as possible to the IC, thereby minimizing noise pickup in the PC tracks.
The current loop formed by D1, L1, and C2 should be as small as possible. The ground connection from D1 to
C1 should be as short and direct as possible.
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