
Figure 17. Resistive Feedback Divider
A maximum value of 10 k is recommended for the sum of R
and R
to maintain good output voltage
accuracy for the -ADJ option. A maximum of 2 k is recommended for the -5.0 option. For the -5.0 option, the
total internal divider resistance is typically 9.93 k.
In all cases the output voltage divider should be placed as close as possible to the FB pin of the LM22676; since
this is a high impedance input and is susceptible to noise pick-up.
A Schottky type power diode is required for all LM22676 applications. Ultra-fast diodes are not recommended
and may result in damage to the IC due to reverse recovery current transients. The near ideal reverse recovery
characteristics and low forward voltage drop of Schottky diodes are particularly important for high input voltage
and low output voltage applications common to the LM22676. The reverse breakdown rating of the diode should
be selected for the maximum V
, plus some safety margin. A good rule of thumb is to select a diode with a
reverse voltage rating of 1.3 times the maximum input voltage.
Select a diode with an average current rating at least equal to the maximum load current that will be seen in the
Circuit Board Layout
Board layout is critical for the proper operation of switching power supplies. First, the ground plane area must be
sufficient for thermal dissipation purposes. Second, appropriate guidelines must be followed to reduce the effects
of switching noise. Switch mode converters are very fast switching devices. In such cases, the rapid increase of
input current combined with the parasitic trace inductance generates unwanted L di/dt noise spikes. The
magnitude of this noise tends to increase as the output current increases. This noise may turn into
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and can also cause problems in device performance. Therefore, care must be
taken in layout to minimize the effect of this switching noise.
The most important layout rule is to keep the AC current loops as small as possible. Figure 18 shows the current
flow in a buck converter. The top schematic shows a dotted line which represents the current flow during the FET
switch on-state. The middle schematic shows the current flow during the FET switch off-state.
The bottom schematic shows the currents referred to as AC currents. These AC currents are the most critical
since they are changing in a very short time period. The dotted lines of the bottom schematic are the traces to
keep as short and wide as possible. This will also yield a small loop area reducing the loop inductance. To avoid
functional problems due to layout, review the PCB layout example. Best results are achieved if the placement of
the LM22676, the bypass capacitor, the Schottky diode, R
, R
, and the inductor are placed as shown in the
example. Note that, in the layout shown, R1 = R
and R2 = R
. It is also recommended to use 2oz copper
boards or heavier to help thermal dissipation and to reduce the parasitic inductances of board traces. See
application note AN-1229 (SNVA054) for more information.
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