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SPNS185C SEPTEMBER 2012REVISED JUNE 2015 MIBSPI1 Event Trigger Hookup
Table 7-30. MIBSPI1 Event Trigger Hookup
Event # TGxCTRL TRIGSRC[3:0] Trigger
Disabled 0000 No trigger source
EVENT0 0001 GIOA[0]
EVENT1 0010 GIOA[1]
EVENT2 0011 GIOA[2]
EVENT3 0100 GIOA[3]
EVENT4 0101 GIOA[4]
EVENT5 0110 GIOA[5]
EVENT6 0111 GIOA[6]
EVENT7 1000 GIOA[7]
EVENT8 1001 N2HET1[8]
EVENT9 1010 N2HET1[10]
EVENT10 1011 N2HET1[12]
EVENT11 1100 N2HET1[14]
EVENT12 1101 N2HET1[16]
EVENT13 1110 N2HET1[18]
EVENT14 1111 Internal Tick counter
For N2HET1 trigger sources, the connection to the MibSPI1 module trigger input is made
from the input side of the output buffer (at the N2HET1 module boundary). This way, a
trigger condition can be generated even if the N2HET1 signal is not selected to be output on
the pad.
For GIOx trigger sources, the connection to the MibSPI1 module trigger input is made from
the output side of the input buffer. This way, a trigger condition can be generated either by
selecting the GIOx pin as an output pin and selecting the pin to be a GIOx pin, or by driving
the GIOx pin from an external trigger source. If the mux control module is used to select
different functionality instead of the GIOx signal, then care must be taken to disable GIOx
from triggering MibSPI1 transfers; there is no multiplexing on the input connections. MIBSPI3 Event Trigger Hookup
Table 7-31. MIBSPI3 Event Trigger Hookup
Event # TGxCTRL TRIGSRC[3:0] Trigger
Disabled 0000 No trigger source
EVENT0 0001 GIOA[0]
EVENT1 0010 GIOA[1]
EVENT2 0011 GIOA[2]
EVENT3 0100 GIOA[3]
EVENT4 0101 GIOA[4]
EVENT5 0110 GIOA[5]
EVENT6 0111 GIOA[6]
EVENT7 1000 GIOA[7]
EVENT8 1001 N2HET1[8]
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