
DS92LV2421, DS92LV2422
Table 13. SERIALIZER — Serial Bus Control Registers (continued)
ADD ADD Register Bit(s) R/W Default Function Description
(dec) (hex) Name (bin)
2 2 De-Emphasis 7:5 R/W 000 De-E Setting 000: set by external Resistor
Control 001: -1 dB
010: -2 dB
011: -3.3 dB
100: -5 dB
101: -6.7 dB
110: -9 dB
111: -12 dB
4 R/W 0 De-E EN 0: De-Emphasis Enabled
1: De-Emphasis Disabled
3:0 R/W 000 Reserved Reserved
Table 14. DESERIALIZER — Serial Bus Control Registers
ADD ADD Register Name Bit(s) R/W Defau Function Description
(dec) (hex) lt
0 0 Des Config 1 7 R/W 0 LF_MODE 0: 20 to 65 MHz SSCG Operation
1: 10 to 20 MHz SSCG Operation
6 R/W 0 OS_CLKOUT 0: Normal CLKOUT Slew Rate
1: Increased CLKOUT Slew Rate
5 R/W 0 OS_DATA 0: Normal DATA Slew Rate
1: Increased DATA Slew Rate
4 R/W 0 RFB 0: Data strobed on Falling edge of CLKOUT
1: Data strobed on Rising edge of CLKOUT
3:2 R/W 00 CONFIG 00: Normal Mode, Control Signal Filter Disabled
01: Normal Mode, Control Signal Filter Enabled
10: Reserved
11: Reserved
1 R/W 0 SLEEP Note – not the same function as PowerDown (PDB)
0: Normal Mode
1: Sleep Mode – Register settings retained.
0 R/W 0 REG Control 0: Configurations set from control pins / STRAP pins
1: Configurations set from registers (except I2C_ID)
1 1 Slave ID 7 R/W 0 0: Address from ID[X] Pin
1: Address from Register
6:0 R/W 11100 ID[X] Serial Bus Device ID, Four IDs are:
00 7b '1110 001 (h'71)
7b '1110 010 (h'72)
7b '1110 011 (h'73)
7b '1110 110 (h'76)
All other addresses are Reserved.
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