
Table 9. SMBUS Slave Mode Register Map (continued)
Address Register Name Bit (s) Field Type Default Description
0x11 CH0 - CHB0 7 RXDET STATUS R 0x02 Observation bit for RXDET CH0 - CHB0.
DEM 1: RX = detected
0: RX = not detected
6:5 RATE_DET R Observation bit for RATE_DET CH0 - CHB0.
STATUS 00: GEN1 (2.5G)
01: GEN2 (5G)
11: GEN3 (8G)
4:3 Reserved R/W Set bits to 0.
2:0 DEM Control R/W OB0 DEM Control
000: 0 dB
001: –1.5 dB
010: –3.5 dB (default)
011: –5 dB
100: –6 dB
101: –8 dB
110: –9 dB
111: –12 dB
0x12 CH0 - CHB0 7:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0.
IDLE Threshold
3:2 IDLE thd De-assert threshold
00 = 110 mVp-p (default)
01 = 100 mVp-p
10 = 150 mVp-p
11 = 130 mVp-p
Note: override the SD_TH pin.
1:0 IDLE tha Assert threshold
00 = 180 mVp-p (default)
01 = 160 mVp-p
10 = 210 mVp-p
11 = 190 mVp-p
Note: override the SD_TH pin.
0x15 CH1 - CHB1 7:6 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0.
5 IDLE_AUTO 1: Automatic IDLE detect
0: Allow IDLE_SEL control in bit 4
Note: override IDLE control.
4 IDLE_SEL 1: Output is MUTED (electrical idle)
0: Output is ON
Note: override IDLE control.
3:2 RXDET 00: Input is high-z impedance
01: Auto RX-Detect,
outputs test every 12 ms for 600 ms (50 times) then
stops; termination is high-z until detection; once
detected input termination is 50 Ω
10: Auto RX-Detect,
outputs test every 12 ms until detection occurs;
termination is high-z until detection; once detected
input termination is 50 Ω
11: Input is 50 Ω
Note: override RXDET pin.
1:0 Reserved Set bits to 0.
0x16 CH1 - CHB1 7:0 EQ Control R/W 0x2F IB1 EQ Control - total of 256 levels.
EQ See Table 2.
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