2 Connections
2.1 Control (J2 Header)
The control connections to the DRV8835 or DRV8836 are made through the header J2. Connections are
clearly labeled on the PCB or can be seen in the figure above.
Note that pin 3 has a different meaning depending on whether it is a DRV8835 or DRV8836 device that is
mounted to the board. If using a DRV8835, pin 3 on the J2 header is a regulated 5-V supply from an
onboard linear regulator (REG1). If using a DRV8836, pin 3 on the J2 header controls the nSLEEP pin on
the device.
Also note that pins 4, 5, 6 and 7 have different meanings depending on the mode the device is in.
Installing the MODE jumper, JP3, will pull the MODE pin high and pins 4-7 will function as
PHASE/ENABLE inputs. Removing the jumper on JP3, will pull the MODE pin low (via internal pull-down
resistors) and pins 4-7 will function as PWM input pins.
Finally, note that depending on the location of jumpers JP3, JP4, JP5, and JP7, the control pins can either
be routed from the J2 header or be generated from the on-board switches (S1-S4). Refer to the schematic
and the jumper descriptions below.
2.2 Motor Output (J1 Header)
The motor is connected to the module through header J1, labeled A1, A2 for one bridge and B1, B2 for
the other bridge. The polarity will affect the direction that the motor turns – refer to the datasheet for
2.3 Power Connections
Power is applied to the module through pins at the top of the EVM which are labeled VM and GND. Apply
a voltage between 2 V and 11 V to this connector for DRV8835EVM and between 2 V and 7 V for
DRV8836EVM. Be sure to observe the correct polarity (VM is positive, GND is negative).
DRV8835EVM supply range is 2 V to 11 V. DRV8836EVM supply
range is 2 V to 7 V.
SLVU694March 2012 DRV8835/DRV8836 Evaluation Module
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