Datasheet 66
7.1.13 Page Select Register (PAGESEL)
This register is used to enable access to the Link Diagnostics Registers.
11 DUP_INT 0, RO/COR Change of duplex status interrupt:
1 = Duplex status change interrupt is pending and is cleared by
the current read.
0 = No duplex status change interrupt pending.
10 ANC_INT 0, RO/COR Auto-Negotiation Complete interrupt:
1 = Auto-negotiation complete interrupt is pending and is cleared
by the current read.
0 = No Auto-negotiation complete interrupt pending.
9 FHF_INT 0, RO/COR False Carrier Counter half-full interrupt:
1 = False carrier counter half-full interrupt is pending and is
cleared by the current read.
0 = No false carrier counter half-full interrupt pending.
8 RHF_INT 0, RO/COR Receive Error Counter half-full interrupt:
1 = Receive error counter half-full interrupt is pending and is
cleared by the current read.
0 = No receive error carrier counter half-full interrupt pending.
7 LQ_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on Link Quality Monitor event
6 ED_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on energy detect event
5 LINK_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on change of link status
4 SPD_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on change of speed status
3 DUP_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on change of duplex status
2 ANC_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on Auto-negotiation complete event
1 FHF_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on False Carrier Counter Register half-full event
0 RHF_INT_EN 0, RW Enable Interrupt on Receive Error Counter Register half-full event
Table 32. Page Select Register (PAGESEL), address 13h
Bit Bit Name Default Description
15:2 RESERVED 0, RO RESERVED: Writes ignored, Read as 0
1:0 PAGE_SEL 0, RW Page_Sel Bit:
Selects between paged registers for address 14h to 1Fh.
0 = Extended Registers Page 0
1 = Test Mode Register Page 1
2 = Link Diagnostics Registers Page 2
Table 31. MII Interrupt Status and Misc. Control Register (MISR), address 12h