
7.1.9 Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register (ANNPTR)
This register contains the next page information sent by this device to its Link Partner during Auto-Negotiation.
0 LP_AN_ABLE 0, RO Link Partner Auto-Negotiation Able:
1 = indicates that the Link Partner supports Auto-Negotiation.
0 = indicates that the Link Partner does not support Auto-Negotia-
Table 20. Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register (ANNPTR), address 0x07
Bit Bit Name Default Description
15 NP 0, RW Next Page Indication:
0 = No other Next Page Transfer desired.
1 = Another Next Page desired.
14 RESERVED 0, RO RESERVED: Writes ignored, read as 0.
13 MP 1, RW Message Page:
1 = Message Page.
0 = Unformatted Page.
12 ACK2 0, RW Acknowledge2:
1 = Will comply with message.
0 = Cannot comply with message.
Acknowledge2 is used by the next page function to indicate that Lo-
cal Device has the ability to comply with the message received.
11 TOG_TX 0, RO Toggle:
1 = Value of toggle bit in previously transmitted Link Code Word
was 0.
0 = Value of toggle bit in previously transmitted Link Code Word
was 1.
Toggle is used by the Arbitration function within Auto-Negotiation
to ensure synchronization with the Link Partner during Next Page
exchange. This bit shall always take the opposite value of the Tog-
gle bit in the previously exchanged Link Code Word.
10:0 CODE <000 0000 0001>,
This field represents the code field of the next page transmission.
If the MP bit is set (bit 13 of this register), then the code shall be
interpreted as a "Message Page”, as defined in annex 28C of IEEE
802.3u. Otherwise, the code shall be interpreted as an "Unformat-
ted Page”, and the interpretation is application specific.
The default value of the CODE represents a Null Page as defined
in Annex 28C of IEEE 802.3u.
Table 19. Auto-Negotiate Expansion Register (ANER), address 0x06 (Continued)
Bit Bit Name Default Description