Pin Mnemonic Function
1 VDD Analog supply voltage, +2.7 V to +5.5 V
2 GND Analog supply ground
3 IOGND Digital supply ground
4 IOVDD Digital supply +1.8 V to +5.5 V
5 D15 Digital input, MSB
6 D14 Digital input
7 D13 Digital input
8 D12 Digital input
9 D11 Digital input
10 D10 Digital input
11 D9 Digital input
12 D8 Digital input
13 D7 Digital input
14 D6 Digital input
15 D5 Digital input
16 D4 Digital input
17 D3 Digital input
18 D2 Digital input
19 D1 Digital input
20 D0 Digital input, LSB
21 IOVDD Digital supply +1.8 V to +5.5 V
22 IOGND Digital supply ground
23 A1 Address pin for selecting between DAC channels
24 A0 Address pin for selecting between DAC channels
25 CS Active-low chip select. Used with R/ W_ to write/read data to/from device
26 R/ W Read/Write select used to write data to input register or read data from DAC register
27 LDAC Load DACs, rising edge triggered loads all DAC registers
28 GND Analog ground
29 RST Asynchronously resets contents of all DAC Registers to zero-scale, but does not affect input register
30 PD Active-low power-down pin puts entire device into power-down mode with DAC outputs in 3-state condition
31 GND Analog supply ground
32 VDD Analog supply voltage, +2.7 V to +5.5 V
33 VOUTD Analog output voltage from DAC-D
34 VFBD Analog output sense for DAC-D
35 VREFD+ High reference voltage input for DAC-D
36 VREFD– Low reference voltage input for DAC-D, normally VREFD– = GND
37 VOUTC Analog output voltage from DAC-C
38 VFBC Analog output sense for DAC-C
39 VREFC+ High reference voltage input for DAC-C
40 VREFC– Low reference voltage input for DAC-C, normally VREFC– = GND
41 VOUTB Analog output voltage from DAC-B
42 VFBB Analog output sense for DAC-B
43 VREFB+ High reference voltage input for DAC-B
44 VREFB– Low reference voltage input for DAC-B, normally VREFB– = GND
45 VOUTA Analog output voltage from DAC-A