Test Summary
4.3 Test Procedure
1. Make sure that the EVM is set up according to Table 1 and Figure 1, and the power supply is preset to
5.1 VDC at ~1250 mA current limit.
2. Turn on input supply and verify the power supply current meter is between 0.26 A and 0.31 A. Note
that this is a linear charger so the input current is approximately the output current minus any current
going to VLDO. The battery voltage, DMM#1, should have increased slightly (few mV) due to the IR
drop in the battery (I
times m of the cell).
3. Verify that the IMON pin is between 270 mV and 310 mV, DMM#3. The IMON output current is 1/1000
of the OUT current and is converted to a voltage using a 1k IMON resistor (1 V/1 A).
4. Verify that the CHG LED is lit.
5. Program the charger for ~0.95 A by placing a shunt on JP-111 (11 pulses - only one shunt on the
JP1xx connectors at the bottom of the EVM) and toggling S100 From: Down TO: Up To: Down
6. Verify the power supply input current is between 0.93 and 0.98A. If current does not change, verify that
the 11 pulses were generated and the pulse frequency is ~500 Hz, 50% duty cycle (see data sheet
specification for further details). R106 can be adjusted to vary frequency (pulse width). See Figure 2 for
example of transition. The figure was captured using a 4 quadrant supply (sinks and sources). See
optional battery cell replacement in Figure 3.
7. Verify that the IMON pin is between 930mV and 980 mV, DMM#3.
8. Verify that the VLDO output, DMM2, is between 4.4 V and 5.4 V.
9. Remove Shunt JP1 and verify that charging stops (input current reduces to near 3mA due to VLDO
load) and LED is flashing. This simulates a cold temperature fault.
10. Replace the JP1 shunt and verify the current returns to the default setting between 0.26 A and 0.31 A,
(270 - 310 mV on DMM#3).
11. Short between J2 TS and GND and verify a hot temperature fault with the LED flashing. Remove short
and verify that the current returns to the default setting between 0.26 A and 0.31 A.
12. Toggle S101 again to program the charge current to ~0.95A and let cell charge to completion. The
OUT should charge to 3.6 V then go into float mode where the regulation will be reduced to 3.5 VDC,
allowing the cell voltage to relax. This method of charging allows faster bulk charge.
NOTE: If the battery cell replacement circuit is used, the Cell voltage should be adjusted higher
slowly, via the Battery P/S, until the OUT voltage reaches ~3.6 V and the charge current
drops off. The OUT pin should relax some depending on the impedance of the diode in the
battery cell replacement circuitry. The Battery P/S voltage may have to be lowered slightly,
after output OV is reached, to get the OUT voltage to drop to the 3.5 V regulation
SLVU473 May 2011 1A, Single Cell LiFePO
Linear Battery Charger with 4.9 V, 50 mA LDO
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