Primary (1st Level) Safety Features
Secondary (2nd Level) Safety Features
Charge Control Features
The bq20z80-V102 is designed to work with the bq29312A AFE. The bq20z80
features are only available with the bq29312A.
The bq20z80 supports a wide range of battery and system protection features that can easily be configured. The
primary safety features includes:
Battery cell over/under voltage protection
Battery pack over/under voltage protection
2 independent charge overcurrent protection
3 independent discharge overcurrent protection
Short circuit protection
Over temperature protection
Host watchdog
The secondary safety features of the bq20z80 can be used to indicate more serious faults via the SAFE (pin 7)
and SAFE (pin 12) pins. These pins can be used to blow a in-line fuse to permanently disable the battery pack
from charging or discharging. The secondary safety features includes:
Safety over voltage
Battery cell imbalance
2nd level protection IC input
Safety over current
Safety over temperature
Open thermistor
Charge FET and 0 Volt Charge FET fault
Discharge FET fault
Fuse blow failure detection
AFE communication error
Internal flash data error
The bq20z80 charge control features includes:
Report the appropriate charging current needed for constant current charging and the appropriate charging
voltage needed for constant voltage charging to a smart charger using SMBus broadcasts.
Determines the chemical state of charge of each battery cell using Impendance Track™ and can reduce the
charge difference of the battery cells in fully charged state of the battery pack gradually using cell balancing
algorithm during charging. This prevents fully charged cells from overcharging causing excessive degredation
and also increases the usable pack energy by preventing to early charge termination
supports pre-charging/zero-volt charging
support fast charging
supports pulse charging
detects charge termination
report charging faults and also indicate charge status via charge and discharge alarms.
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