bq20z80 to bq20z80-V101 Changes
Table 4. CHANGE DETAILS (continued)
CHANGE bq0z80-V102 bq20z80-V101 COMMENTS
Use SBS.AtRate( ), More reliable
UserRate and C/5 rate for SBS:FullChargeCapacity( )
relaxed capacity calculation, SBS:RemainingCapacity( )
respectively, if set by Load calculation under all system
Select; otherwise, use conditions
previous rate.
Correct Host Watchdog from Host Watchdog functionality not Host Watchdog reset by alarm or Reliable Host Watchdog
being reset by broadcasts affected by alarm or charger charger broadcasts functionality under all system
broadcasts conditions
The voltage table chemistry New feature providing more Feature not available Improved information access
ID can be read by writing information
0x0008 to
ManufacturerAccess and
then reading from
ManufacturerAccess. The
default chemistry ID is
SBS.BatteryMode( ) is Customization allows for Feature not available Improved customization
initialized on high transition preserving SBS.BatteryMode( )
of the SMBus lines to DF:Init settings through SMBus line
BatteryMode, instead of transitions
always clearing
SBS.BatteryMode( ) defined
bits on high transition of the
SMBus lines.
Broadcast timers are set Broadcast timer accurate Broadcast timer accuracy required a Improved broadcast timing
correctly on high transition of regardless of CC offset CC offset calibration and entry to accuracy to meet Smart Battery
SMBus lines. The timers are calibration or entry to sleep sleep. Data spec
set to 10 seconds on high
transition of SMBus lines.
CHANGE bq20z80 bq20z80-V101 COMMENTS
Added authentication (optional SBS Command 0x2f has no function and is Command 0x2f is the Additional feature to enable host to
command 0x2f) not acknowledged. SBS.Authenticate( ) command to the authenticate the battery
bq20z80 to begin the SHA1
Added Cell Balancing Cell balancing not available Added State of Charge cell balancing Additional feature to enable longer
algorithm lifetime of battery
Added charge fault FET Enable When charge faults occur, FET action When charge faults occur, FET action Adds flexibility to system interaction
register is taken. is taken if enabled in DF:FET Enable
Added pulse compensation for end of Applications with pulsed current loads The voltage pulses caused by pulsed Added additional feature to improve
discharge and minimum voltage requirements current loads are measured and used capacity prediction
can have less RemainingCapacity to better estimate RemainingCapacity.
than reported.
Added SBS.BatteryStatus( ) [TDA, SBS.BatteryStatus( ) [TDA, FD] are SBS.BatteryStatus( ) [TDA, FD] are Adds flexibility to system interaction
FD] voltage thresholds only set on SBS.RSOC, detection of now set and cleared based on
charge termination or faults SBS.Voltage( )
Added option for LEDs in series with LED display is only in parallel. LED display is available in series Adds capability for higher brightness
current source (with current source) or parallel. LEDs
Configured pin 7 as active high fuse Pin 7 is not connected. Pin 7 is now an active high reflection Adds flexibility to choose different
blow of SAFE (pin 12). circuits driven by the permanent
failure signal
Added State of Health calculation Command 0x4f has no function and is Command 0x4f is the Additional feature to allow host to
(command 0x4f) not acknowledged. SBS.StateOfHealth( ) command easily determine health of the battery
where SOH is the ratio of
SBS.DesignCapacity( ) to
SBS.FullChargeCapacity( ).
Added Synchronization of SBS.RemainingCapacity( ) is not If DF:Operation Cfg [RMFCC] is set Adds option to enable charge
SBS.RemainingCapacity( ) to affected and could be < 100% at then SBS.RemainingCapacity( ) is synchronization in order to display
SBS.FullChargeCapcity( ) at charge charge termination. updated to the value of RelativeStateOfCharge as 100% at
taper termination. SBS.FullChargeCapcity( ) at charge charge termination
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