
F/S-Mode Protocol
The master initiates the data transfer by generating a start condition. The start condition is when a high-to-low
transition occurs on the SDA line while SCL is high, as shown in Figure 2. All I
C-compatible devices must
recognize a start condition.
The master then generates the SCL pulses, and transmits the 7-bit address and the read/write direction bit
R/W on the SDA line. During all transmissions, the master ensures that data are valid. A valid data condition
requires the SDA line to be stable during the entire high period of the clock pulse (see Figure 2). All devices
recognize the address sent by the master and compare it to their internal fixed addresses. Only the slave
device with a matching address generates an acknowledge (see Figure 2) by pulling the SDA line low during
the entire high period of the ninth SCL cycle. Upon detecting this acknowledge, the master recognizes that
communication link with a slave has been established.
The master generates further SCL cycles to either transmit data to the slave (R/W bit = '1') or receive data
from the slave (R/W bit = '0'). In either case, the receiver must acknowledge the data sent by the transmitter.
Therefore, an acknowledge signal can either be generated by the master or by the slave, depending on which
one is the receiver. The 9-bit valid data sequences consisting of 8-bit data and 1-bit acknowledge can
continue as long as necessary.
To signal the end of the data transfer, the master generates a stop condition by pulling the SDA line from low-
to-high while the SCL line is high (see Figure 2). This action releases the bus and stops the communication
link with the addressed slave. All I
C-compatible devices must recognize the stop condition. Upon the receipt
of a stop condition, all devices recognize that the bus is released and wait for a start condition followed by a
matching address.
Hs-Mode Protocol
When the bus is idle, both SDA and SCL lines are pulled high by the pull-up devices.
The master generates a start condition followed by a valid serial byte containing Hs master code 00001xxx.
This transmission is made in F/S mode at no more than 400 kbps. No device is allowed to acknowledge the
Hs master code, but all devices must recognize it and switch their internal setting to support 3.4 Mbps
The master then generates a repeated start condition (a repeated start condition has the same timing as the
start condition). After this repeated start condition, the protocol is the same as for F/S mode, except that
transmission speeds up to 3.4 Mbps are allowed. A stop condition ends Hs mode and switches all the internal
settings of the slave devices to support F/S mode. Note that instead of using a stop condition, repeated start
conditions should be used to secure the bus in Hs mode.
Address Pointer
The Address Pointer Register of AMC7812 is an 8-bit register. Each register has an address and when it is
accessed, the address pointer points to it. All registers in the AMC7812 are 16-bit, consisting of a high byte
(D15:D8) and a low byte (D7:D0). The high byte is always accessed first, and the low byte accessed second.
When the register is accessed, the entire register is frozen until the operation on the low byte is complete. During
write operation, the new content does not take effect until the low byte is written. In read operation, the whole
register value is frozen until the low byte is read.
The address pointer does not change after the current register is accessed. To change the pointer, the master
issues a slave address byte with the R/W bit low, followed by the Pointer Register byte; no additional data are
Timeout Function
The AMC7812 resets the serial interface if either SCL or SDA are held low for 32.8ms (typical) between a
START and STOP condition. If the AMC7812 is holding the bus low, it will release the bus and wait for a START
condition. To avoid activating the timeout function, it is necessary to maintain a communication speed of at least
1kHz for the SCL operating frequency.
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