
ADC121C021, ADC121C021Q, ADC121C027
-- Lowest Conversion Register
This register holds the Lowest Conversion result when in the automatic conversion mode. Each conversion result
is compared against the contents of this register. If the value is lower, it becomes the lowest conversion and
replaces the current value. If the value is higher, the register contents remain unchanged. The lowest conversion
value can be cleared at any time by writing 0FFFh to this register. The value of this register will update
automatically when the automatic conversion mode is enabled, but is NOT updated in the normal mode.
Pointer Address 06h (Read/Write)
Default Value: 0FFFh
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Reserved Lowest Conversion [11:8]
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Lowest Conversion [7:0]
Bits Name Description
15:12 Reserved Always reads zeros. Zeros must be written to these bits.
11:0 Lowest Conversion Lowest conversion result data. D11 is MSB.
-- Highest Conversion Register
This register holds the Highest Conversion result when in the Automatic mode. Each conversion result is
compared against the contents of this register. If the value is higher, it replaces the previous value. If the value is
lower, the register contents remain unchanged. The highest conversion value can be cleared at any time by
writing 0000h to this register. The value of this register will update automatically when the automatic conversion
mode is enabled, but is NOT updated in the normal mode.
Pointer Address 07h (Read/Write)
Default Value: 0000h
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Reserved Highest Conversion [11:8]
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Highest Conversion [7:0]
Bits Name Description
15:12 Reserved Always reads zeros. Zeros must be written to these bits.
11:0 Highest Conversion Highest conversion result data. D11 is MSB.
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Product Folder Links: ADC121C021 ADC121C021Q ADC121C027