- NOXON Audio Manual

Geeks only—building your own Favorites from links
Before we get started, we really should point out that the Web interface is not supported by
our customer service. You'll surely be able to imagine why after reading the following section.
Something we haven't mentioned until now—as average users are unlikely to be interested in
it—is the possibility to access the NOXON directly via its Web interface to insert links of your
To access the NOXON's Web interface, simply enter its current IP address in your Internet Ex-
plorer. To determine the address, open the NOXON's status screen. Here's how:
Current NOXON IP address:
+ 8 x
Entering the IP address—in this case,—into your Web browser and clicking “Fa-
vorites” will bring up the following screen:
Despite the breathtaking selection of radio stations provided by VTuner®, you may find from
time to time that a station is missing, or that its broadcast quality is inadequate. In such
cases, manually adding favorites via the interface described above can be a solution.
Unfortunately, time and again the endings of links for MP3 radio streams refer to specific for-
mats that are not actually available, so a bit of experimentation may be unavoidable. An ex-
ReceiverSystem NOXON Audio (English) 33