User Manual

ZE51/61-2.4 RF module User Guide
1VV0300868 Rev.4 – 23/06/2011
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III.5. Digital Characteristics
Microcontroller 8051 core
256KB Flash, 8KB SRAM,
Peripheral memory 8 KB EEPROM
Serial link* Managed by application.
Full Duplex, from 1200 to 115200 bps
7 or 8 bits, with or without parity, 1 or 2 stop bits
Protocol Type : RS-232, TTL level
Flow control* Managed by application.
None, Software (Xon/Xoff) or Hardware (RTS/CTS)
Other Ultra low power voltage detector and µC supervisory circuit
Specific signals
Serial : Tx, Rx, RTS, CTS
Inputs : Reset, Stand-By, Prog
I/O : 7 I/O (among those 5 analog inputs with 7 to 12 bits resolution)
Through serial
Through the air : DOTA (Download Over The Air) functionality
Point-to-point stack for test purpose available in download zone
ZigBee Pro stack from Telit
*: In ZigBee Democase : 115.200 bps,8 bits, without parity, 1 stop bit, No flow control