User's Manual
Summary of DO-160C Environmental Testing for Technisonic Model TFM-138, VHF Transceiver
Conditions Section Description of Conducted Tests
Temperature and Altitude 4 Equipment tested to categories B2 and D1.
Vibration 8 Equipment is tested without shock mounts
to categories B, M and N.
Magnetic Effect 15 Equipment is class Z.
Power Input 16 Equipment tested to category B.
Voltage Spike 17 Equipment tested to category B.
RF Emission 21 Equipment tested to category Z.
Installation Approval Note
Presently no TSO standard exists for airborne FM transceivers. To make it easier for installation agencies
to provide their customers with an approved installation supported by an effective Airworthiness Approval,
Technisonic has secured Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Approvals (both US and Canadian) on its
Airborne FM products for many helicopters currently being delivered in the US and Canada as well as a
number of single engine fixed wing aircraft. The above referenced DO-160C test data is also on file and
available from Technisonic to support approval requirements in airframes for which Technisonic does not
possess an STC.
Approved aircraft types are listed in the attachments to the formal STC documents. These STC's are the
exclusive property of Technisonic and require the written authority of Technisonic for their use. To assist
Factory Authorized Technisonic Dealers in the certification process, we have placed copies of our Canadian
and US STC's on our web site along with a letter of authorization for their use. These documents may be
downloaded and used as support for the technical submission to FAA or Transport Canada. Only factory
authorized dealers/installers are permitted to download and make use of these documents on behalf of their
customers (end users) in support of regulatory agency approval. Please refer to the Technisonic web site
for the latest issue of available STC’s and letter of authorization for use.
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