User's Manual

Table Of Contents
TDFM-136B Operating Instructions 08RE399
Select Memory to Assign a Key to. The first screen, shown below, allows you to step
through the available memories. Note that only main memories have to be scrolled through, the
Guard memories are selectable from the front panel via the MN/GD and G1/G2 toggle switches.
This screen shows selecting a memory for the Main channel:
Figure 2-28. Select the Main memory to assign the key to
The user may select the memory to assign a key to as follows:
move backward/forward through the available memories (Main only)
accept the entry and continue
abandon the entry and exit
Select Key via KeyTag for Memory. The next screen, shown below, allows you to step
through the KeyTags and select one to be assigned to the selected memory.
Figure 2-29. Select the KeyTag to assign to the memory
The user may select the Key, via KeyTag, to assign to the previously selected memory as follows:
step up/down through the available KeyTags.
accept the entry and continue
abandon the entry and continue
Determine Decrypt Rules. The transceiver is capable of decrypting a received signal using
the key that has been assigned to the memory, or by using any key that has been loaded. The next
screen allows the user to make this choice.
Figure 2-30. Select decrypt on Any Key or Assigned Key
Now you can make the 'Any Key' or 'Assigned Key' choice as follows:
toggle the choice: Any Key or Assigned Key
accept the entry and continue
abandon the entry and continue
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