:: Introduction Thank you for purchasing this Team Associated product. This assembly manual contains instructions and tips for building and maintaining your new RC8B3.1 Kit. Please take a moment to read through this manual to help familiarize yourself with these steps. We are continually changing and improving our designs; therefore, actual parts may appear slightly different than in the illustrations. New parts will be noted on supplementary sheets located in the appropriate parts bags.
:: Hardware - 1:1 Scale View Button Head (bhcs) Flat Head (fhcs) Set Screws 2.5x6mm (4675) 2.5x6mm (31520) 3x3mm (25225) 2.5x8mm (31448) 2.5x8mm (31521) 3x6mm (81257) 3x6mm (31541) 2.
:: Table of Contents 1................... Cover 2................... Introduction 3................... 1:1 Hardware “Fold Out” 16 - 17.........Center Bulkhead/ Brakes Build (Bag 7.1, 7.2) 17 - 18 .......Anti-Roll Bars Build (Bag 8.1) 4................... Table of Contents 19 - 20........Shocks Build (Bag 9.1, 9.2) 5 - 7..............Differentials Build (Bag 1.1, 1.2) 20 - 22.......Radio Tray Build (Bag 10.1, 10.2, 10.3) 7 - 8...........Steering / Chassis Build (Bag 2.1, 2.
9/17 :: Differential Build (Front and Rear) - Bag 1.1, 1.2 - Step 1 88 #65 ease gr k c bla 81379 Diff Case 81381 Diff Shim 6x8x0.20mm 88 #65 ease gr k c bla 81385 Outdrive O-Ring 5.8x1.9mm 81380 Diff Sun Gear, 20T 81380 Pin 2.5x12mm 91564 8x16x5 Bearing 81012 17mm Outdrive, Front Diff ! 81008 15mm Outdrive, Rear Diff Align pin with groove in sun gear :: Differential Build (Front and Rear) - Bag 1.1, 1.2 - Step 2 81381 x4 Diff Shim 3.5x11x0.
:: Differential Build (Front and Rear) - Bag 1.1, 1.2 - Step 4 81384 Diff Gasket ! 89208 x4 3x14mm FHCS Racer’s Tip: Use black grease (#6588) to coat the Diff Gasket before installation! 88 #65 ease gr k c a bl Diff Flui d Front Diff Fluid: 5,000cst #5453 Racer’s Tip: Fill diff above the cross pins, below the planet gears as shown. Rear Diff Fluid: 3,000cst #5452 :: Differential Build (Center) - Bag 1.1, 1.2 - Step 5 88 #65 ease gr k c a l b 81379 Diff Case 81381 Diff Shim 6x8x0.
:: Differential Build (Center) - Bag 1.1, 1.2 - Step 7 88 #65 ease gr lack b 81386 Spur Gear, 46T 81381 Diff Shim 6x8x0.20mm 88 #65 ease gr k c bla 81385 Outdrive O-Ring 5.8x1.9mm 81380 Diff Sun Gear, 20T 81380 Pin 2.5x12mm 91564 8x16x5 Bearing 81012 17mm Outdrive, Center Diff ! Align pin with groove in sun gear :: Differential Build (Center) - Bag 1.1, 1.
:: Steering / Chassis Build - Bag 2.1, 2.2 - Step 2 81084 Servo Saver Tube Racer’s Tip: Use black grease (#6588) to lube the bellcrank halves before installation! 81086 Steering Bellcrank 81086 Steering Bellcrank 81084 x2 Servo Saver Tube Shim 81083 Servo Saver Spring 81084 Servo Saver Tube Spring Nut & O-Ring 1.5mm :: Steering / Chassis Build - Bag 2.1, 2.2 - Step 3 31404 x4 6x10x3mm Bearing 25211 x2 3x10mm BHCS 81086 Steering Bellcrank 89161 x4 5x8x2.
:: Front Gearbox Build - Bag 3.1, 3.2 - Step 1 Racer’s Tip: Use black grease (#6588) to lube the Diff Pinion before installation! 89221 5x4mm Set Screw 81003 Diff Pinion Gear, 13T th #1 re 5 ad 96 lo ck 91561 x2 6x12x4mm Bearing 81015 Gearbox, (Inboard) 81020 Center Universal, (76mm) 81015 Dust Cap 4675 2.5x6mm FHCS :: Front Gearbox Build - Bag 3.1, 3.2 - Step 2 NOTE: Install the FRONT Diff! 81381 Diff Shim 13.5x15.8x0.
:: Front Gearbox Build - Bag 3.1, 3.2 - Step 4 81112 Body Post, Front Kit Setup: 89214 4x12mm FHCS 81291 RC8B3.1 Arm Mount (A) 81030 Top Plate 89216 M4 Locknut 81260 x2 4x14mm BHCS 25201 3x8mm FHCS 81032 Chassis Brace, Front 81050 x2 Arm Mount Insert, Center 25201 x2 3x8mm FHCS Kit Setup: 89214 x2 89225 x2 4x12mm 3x24mm FHCS SHCS th #1 re 59 ad 6 lo ck :: Front Gearbox Build - Bag 3.1, 3.
:: Front Uprights Build - Bag 4.1, 4.2 - Step 1 91566 15x21x4mm Bearing 25225 3x3mm Set Screw th #15 re ad 96 lo ck 81328 CVA Coupler 89096 Wheel Hex Pin #6 5 ck 88 gre ase bla 81394 CVA Drive Shaft (94mm) 81079 Wheel Hex, +1mm Wide 81326 CVA Axle, Steel 81065 Steering Block 81328 CVA Coupler Pin 89221 5x4mm Set Screw 91565 8x16x5mm Bearing, Flanged :: Front Uprights Build - Bag 4.1, 4.
:: Front Uprights Build - Bag 4.1, 4.2 - Step 4 81262 x2 4x10mm FHCS 81113 Front Bumper #159 threa 6 d loc k 89216 M4 Locknut 81264 x2 4x20mm FHCS 89214 x2 4x12mm FHCS 89214 4x12mm FHCS :: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.2 - Step 1 89221 5x4mm Set Screw Racer’s Tip: Use black grease (#6588) to lube the Diff Pinion before installation! th #1 re 5 ad 96 lo ck 91561 x2 6x12x4mm Bearing 81015 Gearbox, (Inboard) 81021 Center Universal, (106mm) 81003 Diff Pinion Gear, 13T 81015 Dust Cap 4675 2.
:: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.2 - Step 3 Kit Setup: 81059 Rear Arm Mud Guard 81293 RC8B3.1 Arm Mount (C) 81050 x2 Arm Mount Insert, Center 31531 x2 3x6mm BHCS 81260 x2 4x14mm BHCS 81058 Rear Arm ! Note that each arm is marked with a R for the Right Arm or an L for the Left Arm. 89317 Droop Screw :: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.2 - Step 4 Kit Setup: 81060 Hinge Pin, Long 81058 Rear Arm Shim, 1mm 81294 RC8B3.
:: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.2 - Step 6 81027 Shock Tower, Rear Kit Setup: 4 23 1 3 2 1 5 25211 x2 3x10mm BHCS 25203 3x12mm FHCS 6 59 k #1 d loc a e r h t 81112 Body Post, Rear 6 5 4 81196 x2 Shock Bushing 89225 x2 3x24mm SHCS 81397 x2 Turnbuckle Ball #1 59 ead 6 loc k thr :: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.2 - Step 7 25203 x2 3x12mm FHCS 81106 x2 Wing Mount Button 81108 Wing Mount, Low 25215 x2 M3 Locknut 81106 Wing 25187 x2 3x14mm BHCS :: Rear Gearbox Build - Bag 5.1, 5.
:: Rear Uprights / Turnbuckles Build - Bag 6.1, 5.2 cont. - Step 1 #6 5 ck 88 gre ase 81075 Rear Hub 81328 CVA Coupler 25225 3x3mm Set Screw 81328 CVA Coupler Pin # thr 159 6 ea dl ock 81394 CVA Drive Shaft (94mm) bla 89096 Wheel Hex Pin 91566 15x21x4mm Bearing 81326 CVA Axle, Steel 91565 8x16x5mm Bearing, Flanged 81079 Wheel Hex, +1mm Wide 89221 5x4mm Set Screw :: Rear Uprights / Turnbuckles Build - Bag 6.1, 5.2 cont.
:: Rear Uprights / Turnbuckles Build - Bag 6.1, 5.2 cont. - Step 4 81093 Rod End, 4mm 89526 4x50mm Turnbuckle 81093 Rod End, 4mm Steering Turnbuckle 24.90mm (0.98”) ! Note direction :: Center Bulkhead / Brakes Build - Bag 7.1, 7.2 - Step 1 ! Narrow 81036 Center Bulkhead Align slotted holes on the same side when installing brake pads. 81038 x2 Brake Pad Spring 89149 x2 Brake Bolt Build x2 Wide 81037 Brake Rotor 31448 2.
:: Center Bulkhead / Brakes Build - Bag 7.1, 7.2 - Step 3 4671 3x10mm Set Screw, front 25225 3x3mm Set Screw, rear 81042 x2 Brake Lever 6 #159 k d loc a e r th ! Center brake levers between the brake cams. :: Center Bulkhead / Brakes Build - Bag 7.1, 7.2 - Step 4 Towards Front of Vehicle 89214 x4 4x12mm FHCS 89214 x4 4x12mm FHCS :: Anti-Roll Bars Build - Bag 8.
:: Anti-Roll Bars Build - Bag 8.1 - Step 2 ! Center the Anti-Roll Bar Collet on the Anti-Roll Bar, then tighten the (#25225) 3x3mm set screw. ! Front Anti-Roll Bar Gap: 2.3mm 81130 (Front) Anti-Roll Bar, Black 2.3mm 81140 (Rear) Anti-Roll Bar, Gray 2.7mm 81150 Anti-Roll Bar Collet th #15 re ad 96 lo ck Build front and rear Anti-Roll Bars 25225 3x3mm Set Screw :: Anti-Roll Bars Build - Bag 8.1 - Step 3 96 #15 ock ad l thre 96 #15 ock ad l thre 25225 x2 3x3mm Set Screw 31521 x2 2.
:: Shocks Build - Bag 9.1, 9.2 - Step 1 81200 Shock Piston (8x1.2 tapered) 89215 Shock Piston Locknut 81160 Shock Body, 30.5mm (Front) 89278 x2 2.5x5mm Washer 81161 Shock Body, 39.5mm (Rear) 81185 Shock Body O-Ring 81170 Shock Shaft, 30.5mm (Front) 81185 O-Ring Hat Bushing 81186 x2 Shock O-Ring 81171 Shock Shaft, 39.
:: Shocks Build - Bag 9.1, 9.2 - Step 4 81221 Spring Collar O-Ring, 20mm ! The shock springs come with colored heat shrink tubing. Install them on the springs for easy identification. 81221 Spring Collar, 20mm k oc sh id flu 81194 Spring Cup, 20mm 81225 Front Spring, Blue (8.55lb/in) 81231 Rear Spring, Blue (4.30lb/in) :: Shocks Build - Bag 9.1, 9.2 - Step 5 Kit Setup: Mount the front shock in the outside hole on the front arm.
:: Radio Tray Build - Bag 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 - Step 2 25201 x2 3x8mm FHCS 25187 x4 3x14mm BHCS 31448 2.5x8mm FHCS Servo not included! 89218 x4 3x8mm Washer 89218 x4 3x8mm Washer 89023 x2 Servo Spacer 81102 Transponder Mount 25187 x4 3x14mm BHCS ! 89023 x2 Servo Spacer When spacing your servos, make sure the servo does not touch the chassis when installed. :: Radio Tray Build - Bag 10.1, 10.2, 10.
:: Radio Tray Build - Bag 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 - Step 5 6338 Antenna Tube and Cap 25225 3x3mm Set Screw Receiver not included! ! 81102 Receiver Box Lid When using a receiver switch, you will need to carefully remove material from the receiver box lid in the highlighted sections below in order to mount your switch. 6727 Servo Tape :: Radio Tray Build - Bag 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 - Step 6 89214 x5 4x12mm FHCS 31448 x6 2.
:: Servo Horns / Linkage Build - Bag 11.1, 11.2 - Step 1 91048 HD Ball Stud, 8mm 1401 33mm Turnbuckle 25215 M3 Locknut 81250 Servo Horn (Steering) and Cone Washer 91453 x2 HD Ball Cup 81250 Servo Horn Insert 91050 HD Ball Stud, 12mm 4617 2mm Shim Printed here A - Airtronics F - Futaba H - Hitec J - JR/KO Steering Servo Turnbuckle 11.50mm (0.45”) 81250 Servo Horn Large Ring :: Servo Horns / Linkage Build - Bag 11.1, 11.
:: Servo Horns / Linkage Build - Bag 11.1, 11.2 - Step 4 81251 x2 Brake Linkage Spring Ball #1596 thread lock 25201 3x8mm FHCS 8433 x2 .024 Spring 81251 x2 Set Collar Racer’s Tip: Center servo before horn installation! 6 #159 k d loc threa 25225 x2 3x3mm Set Screw :: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 - Step 1 3719 x2 6” Nylon Wire Tie 81120 Fuel Tank 81120 x2 Fuel Tank Clip 25211 x2 3x10mm BHCS 81122 x2 Fuel Tank Post 31520 x2 2.
:: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 - Step 2 Engine not included! 81371 Flywheel Collet 81372 Flywheel Nut 81370 Flywheel, 4-Shoe 81373 x4 Clutch Shoe Pins :: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 - Step 3 Clutch Shoe / Spring Installation Order: 81402 Clutch Shoe, Composite ! Short end of clutch shoe spring installed into flywheel. Long end of clutch shoe spring installed into clutch shoe. 81366 Clutch Shoe Spring, Green, 0.95mm 81365 Clutch Shoe Spring, Black, 0.
:: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 - Step 5 81124 Air Filter Cap 81124 Air Filter 81124 Air Filter Boot tr foa ea m #7 tm 71 ent 0 3719 Nylon Wire Tie, 6” tr foa ea m #7 tm 71 ent 0 81125 Air Filter Element 25620 3x10mm SHCS ! 3719 Nylon Wire Tie, 6” When oiling the filter elements, place both inside a plastic bag and squeeze to help evenly coat the filter. :: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.
:: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 - Step 8 ! When installing your engine, make sure the rear drive shaft does not interfere with the engine mount. You may need to remove material from the engine mount for fitment. 81114 x4 Engine Mount Washer #1596 thread lock 81262 x4 4x10mm FHCS :: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.
:: Engine / Tank Build - Bag 12.1, 12.2, 12.
:: Wheels / Tires / Body - Misc. - Step 1 ! Wheels, Tires, and Foam Inserts Not Included! 97 #15 lue ire g CA t 89296 RC8 Wheels, white, 83mm ! Build four wheels/ tires Tires: When gluing tires to wheels, use a fast-curing tire glue (CA) (AE #1597). This is available at your local hobby shop. Make sure to clean the mounting surface of the tire and wheel with alchohol for best adhesion. :: Wheels / Tires / Body - Misc.
:: Droop Settings Set droop by measuring overall length of shock (from standoff to shock pin) while the chassis is elevated above your working surface. The shocks should be fully extended. Kit setup for front droop is 104mm shock length, and 120mm shock length for the rear. If the shock length is too long, adjust by turning the droop screws clockwise. If the shock length is too short, adjust by turning the droop screws counter-clockwise.
:: Shock Fluid :: Shocks 81156 81157 81160 81161 81170 81171 81179 81181 81182 81185 81186 81188 81190 81194 81200 89215 81221 89278 91492 RC8B3 Shock Kit (Front) RC8B3 Shock Kit (Rear) RC8B3 Shock Body, 30.5mm RC8B3 Shock Body, 39.5mm RC8B3 Shock Shaft, 30.5mm RC8B3 Shock Shaft, 39.5mm RC8B3 Bleeder Shock Cap RC8B3 Shock Cap Insert RC8B3 Shock Bladder RC8B3 Shock Rebuild Kit RC8B3 Shock O-Ring RC8B3 Shock Body Seal Retainer RC8B3 Shock Boots RC8B3 Shock Rod End & Spring Cup RC8B3 Shock Pistons (6x1.
:: Front / Rear Gear Differential 81002 81008 81012 81379 81380 81381 81383 81384 81385 89208 91564 :: Center Gear Differential RC8B3 Diff Ring Gear, 44T Diff Outdrives, 15mm, Rear Diff Diff Outdrives, 17mm, Front Diff RC8B3.1 Differential Case RC8B3.1 Differential Gear Set RC8B3.1 Differential Shim Set RC8B3.1 Differential Gear Set (LTC) RC8B3.1 Differential Gasket RC8B3.
:: Front Gearbox 4675 25620 31521 81003 81015 81020 81050 81054 81060 81113 81257 81259 81260 81264 81291 81292 89214 89221 91561 2.5 x 6mm FHCS 6 3 x 10mm SHCS 20 2.5 x 8mm BHCS 6 RC8B3 Diff Pinion Gear, 13T 1 RC8B3 Gearbox 2 RC8B3 Center Universal, 76mm 1 RC8B3 Arm Mount Insert 12 ea. RC8B3 Front Arms/Shims Pr. RC8B3 Hinge Pin Set 1 RC8B3 Front Bumper 1 3 x 6mm Set Screw 6 2.5 x 18mm BHCS 6 4 x 14mm BHCS 6 4 x 20mm FHCS 6 RC8B3.1 Arm Mount, A 1 RC8B3.
:: Steering 25201 25211 31404 81083 81084 81086 81088 81089 81091 81262 81397 89161 3 x 8mm FHCS 3 x 10mm BHCS Bearing, 6 x 10 x 3mm Servo Saver Spring RC8B3.1 Servo Saver Tube RC8B3 Steering Bellcrank RC8B3 Steering Bellcrank Nut RC8B3 Steering Rack RC8B3 Steering Post 4 x 10mm FHCS Turnbuckle Ball, 4mm FT Steering Bearing Set, 5 x 8 x 2.5mm & 6 x 10 x 3mm 20 20 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 6 31404 81084 81083 81088 89161 4 ea.
:: Front Suspension 25202 25211 25225 81054 81055 81056 81060 81063 81065 81067 81070 81072 81079 81082 81093 81197 81257 81326 81328 81394 81397 89096 89203 89221 89317 89526 91565 91566 3 x 10mm FHCS 3 x 10mm BHCS 3 x 3mm Set Screw RC8B3 Front Arms RC8B3 Front Upper Arms RC8B3 Suspension Arm Endcap RC8B3 Hinge Pin Set RC8B3 Steering Block Arm +2 deg RC8B3 Steering Block RC8B3 Pillow Ball RC8B3 Pillow Ball Nut RC8B3 Pillow Ball Shim RC8B3 Wheel Hexes, +1mm wide RC8B3 Wheel Nuts, 17mm Blue RC8B3 Rod End
:: Radio Tray 6338 9907 25187 25201 25225 31448 31531 81100 81102 81103 89023 89214 89218 Antenna Tube with Cap, Black Receiver Box Grommets 3 x 14mm BHCS 3 x 8mm FHCS 3 x 3mm Set Screw 2.5 x 8mm FHCS 3 x 6mm BHCS RC8B3 Radio Tray RC8B3 Receiver Box RC8B3 Receiver Battery Tray Servo Mount Spacers 4 x 12mm FHCS 3 x 8mm Washer 1 2 ea.
:: Front Chassis Brace 2208 25201 81030 81032 81049 81050 81112 81262 89214 89216 :: Rear Chassis Brace Large Hood Pins 3 x 8mm FHCS RC8B3 Top Plate RC8B3 Chassis Brace RC8B3 Upper Link Mount RC8B3 Arm Mount Insert RC8B3 Body Post 4 x 10mm FHCS 4 x 12mm FHCS M4 Locknut 6 20 1 Pr. 1 12 ea. Pr. 6 10 10 25188 25215 81032 89214 89216 3 x 20mm BHCS M3 Locknut, Black RC8B3 Chassis Brace 4 x 12mm FHCS M4 Locknut 20 20 Pr.
:: Clutch 81365 81366 81367 81368 81369 81370 81371 81372 81373 81374 81375 81377 81402 89148 89218 89223 91560 Clutch Springs (0.90, 4 Shoe) - KIT Clutch Springs (0.95, 4 Shoe) - KIT Clutch Springs (1.00, 4 Shoe) Clutch Springs (1.05, 4 Shoe) Clutch Springs (1.10, 4 Shoe) RC8B3.1 Flywheel (4 Shoe) RC8B3.1 Flywheel Collet (4 Shoe) RC8B3.
:: Anti-Roll Bars 25225 81130 81131 81140 81141 81150 81258 :: Wing 3 x 3mm Set Screw RC8B3 Front Anti-Roll Bars, (2.3 - Black, 2.4 - Green, 2.5 - White) RC8B3 Front Anti-Roll Bars, (2.6 - Gray, 2.7 - Blue, 2.8 - Yellow RC8B3 Rear Anti-Roll Bars, (2.5 - White, 2.6 - Gray, 2.7 - Blue) RC8B3 Rear Anti-Roll Bars, (2.8 - Yellow, 2.9 - Red, 3.0 - Orange) RC8B3 Anti-Roll Bar Drop Link / Collet 3 x 12mm Set Screw 20 1 ea. 1 ea. 1 ea.
:: Reedy Batteries :: Factory Team and Option Parts 2357 7733 25094 25392 29213 31550 89094 89095 89123 89127 89133 89136 89146 89147 89157 89158 89159 89161 89181 89229 89265 89273 89274 89405 89406 89473 89495 Rear Exhaust Manifold Springs Exhaust Tubing Coupler Exhaust Manifold Springs 3mm Blue Locknut, Flanged Servo Wire Extension M3 Aluminum Lock Nut Nyloc Wheel Hex Nuts, Blue Wheel Hex, Aluminum RC8 Heatsink Brake Disc Clutch Bell, 17T, (3 Shoe) 1.
:: Apparel / Promotional :: Tools 1111 1113 1114 1449 1519 1541 1545 1546 1567 1568 1569 1570 1590 1592 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1719 1737 3718 3719 3720 3987 6429 6956 7709 FT Turnbuckle Wrench 12mm Big Bore Shock Tool FT Dual Turnbuckle Wrench FT Off Road Ride Height Gauge FT Hex/Nut Driver Tool Set, 5pc. FT Hex Driver Set, (7 pcs) FT 5/64” Blue Hex Driver FT 3/32” Gold Hex Driver FT 8mm Gold Nut Driver Factory Team 5.
Associated Electrics, Inc. 26021 Commercentre Dr. Lake Forest, CA 92630 USA http://www.RC10.com https://twitter.com/Team_Associated https://www.instagram.com/teamassociatedrc/ https://www.facebook.com/TeamAssociated/ call: (949) 544-7500 - fax: (949) 544-7501 Check out the following web sites for all of our kits, current products, new releases, setup help, tips, and racing info! www.TeamAssociated.com. - www.RC10.