
Timer Interconnection System
Catalog 889759-3
Revised 7-2011
All specifications subject to change. Consult TE Connectivity for latest specifications.
The contact body is respon si ble
for the electrical characteristics,
while the top spring ensures
that contact force is maintained
under critical circumstances
and over lifetime of the contact
system. Reduc tion in con tact
force due to stress relaxation
at elevated temperature is thus
In addition there are usually two
lances on the steel to spring.
These serve to lock the con -
tact securely into the housing.
Secondary locking of the
contact in the housing can be
achieved by means of the
steel top spring, which usually
takes the form of a box.
All versions of Timer contacts
can be combined easily in one
con nector without renouncing
second ary locking device.
Ap pli cation in connectors
which contacts by means of
swiveling is possible.
Tabs and receptacles can be
applied in both watertight and
non- watertight connectors.
AMP Timer connectors are
avail able as receptacle and
tab hous ings (free-hanging
coup ling in a wiring harness)
or as recepta cle hous ings and
multiple tabs (group connec-
tion). With the free-hanging
coupling type the housings,
with up to 100 con tacts, are
then secured by means of a
separate locking device.
With multiway connectors the
single lever method is usually
employed (sequential insertion
distributed along an angled
Using this method a single
lever plug on the recep tacle
housing engages in one end
of the multiple tab housing.
The connector is then latched
up to the final position.
This system is relatively tolerant
as regards the positioning of
the contact tabs in the housing.
An additional advantage is
that the contact system is, to
a large de gree, insensitive to
crooked insertion. Even when
the tabs are not straight the
contact geo metry en sures firm
In order that the flat contact
sys tem can be employed at
inter faces with signal currents
of me dium strengths as well
as with load currents more
than 70 A.
The comprehensive range of
AMP Timer contacts are
exten sively used in the auto-
motive industry.
Each contact consists of a flat
receptacle, which mates with
a flat tab. The receptacle has
two respective four contact
springs, which are independent
of each other. Two-piece
contacts with a steel top spring
are pre-dominantly.
This two-piece contact design
means that the electrical and
me chanical properties are
sepa r ated. One end of the
contact body is either crimped
to wire, or sol dered to a printed
circuit board. The other end
of the contact body mates with
the matching tab.
For Decades the
Timer Interconnection
System has Proven its
Reliability in the
Automotive Industry