
Catalog 1242132 Dimensions are in millimeters Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Revised 5-07 unless otherwise specified. reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208
D-3000 Series (Continued)
AMP Dynamic Series Connectors
D-3000 Series
Application Tooling
Extraction Tool
This tool is used to extract contacts from wire-type tab/receptacle housings.
Part Number: 234168-1
Part Number: 175855-1 Part Number: 919041-1
Take care not to insert into
the Contact Section.
Insert Extraction Tool into the
narrow section of the upper
convex cavity of housing in
the direction as shown
(Make sure the Tool's top
and bottom are in correct
Insert a keying plug in one
position of receptacle
Twist off a tab in the corre-
sponding position of mating
Tab Header and empty that
position. To twist off the tab,
insert Cutting Tool into its
root and turn Tool as shown.
For Tab housing (Panel/Free
hanging Types), leave
Housing empty by not
inserting a contact in one
This being done, contacts cannot be
inserted in wrong direction.
The Extraction Tool tip lifts up
housing lance, making contact free.
Contact can now be pulled out.
Keying Plug
(used to help prevent misinsertion)
Keying plug is used to minimize the possibility of contacts being
inserted in wrong directions when using connectors of the same size
How To Use Plug and Tool
Some of the products in this Series (D-3100S/D-3100M/D-3200S/D-3200M)
are preloaded with keying plugs to help prevent misinsertion.
Tab Contact Cutting Tool