
Tyco Electronics is the world’s largest passive electronic components manufacturer
and a world leader in cutting-edge wireless technologies. The company has facilities
located in over 50 countries, serving customers in the aerospace, automotive,
computer, communications, consumer electronics, industrial and power industries.
The global automotive division follows the globalization goals of our customers,
speeds up the integration of new technologies and enables our customers access
to our vast product portfolio and services.
Tyco Electronics offers a broad range of high quality terminals and
connectors. Our electrical and electronic interconnection products
and solutions are used to electrically and mechanically join wires
and cables, printed circuit boards, integrated circuit packages and
batteries. Our continually expanding capabilities include new copper
and fiber-optic connectors, wires, cables and cable management
systems that are designed to meet automotive industry demands.
The AMP brand encompasses the broadest range of connectors
in the world, including high-density, high-speed designs for leading-edge
communications equipment.
LITERATURE NO. 1308092-1
Tyco Electronics is your partner for special cable assemblies.
Tyco Electronics offers research and development capabilities,
prototyping, samples as well as manufacturing facilities for special
cable assemblies. This includes overmold technology, semi- and
fully-automatic manufacturing, testing equipment and appliances
for handling of high volume production.
LITERATURE NO. 1654288-1