User's Manual

Please note that mouse operation is not supported with this program
1. Connect the T100 transceiver to a suitable supply and to the PC using the
programming adaptor.
2. Insert the TLSPRG disk into drive A and type:
A:TLSPRG <return>
3. The user is then prompted to enter the serial port number of his PC which is used to
communicate with the TX00 transmitter. Enter 1 or 2.
4. Note: Do not select the port with the mouse connected as this will cause the
program to run incorrectly.
After the software has successfully loaded the screen displays the following prompts:
Enter frequency in MHz?
The user can then enter the required operating frequency and then ‘0' to quit.
The following table gives an indication of the typical ranges to be expected between a
transmitter and receiver that have simple end-fed dipole antennas.
The following assumptions have been made in the calculations:
line-of-sight between antennas
0dB gain for the transmitter and receiver antennas
0dB loss for connectors and cables between the antenna and the radio connector
20dB fade and environmental margin
-100dBm received signal strength, allowing for digital and analog signals
Range versus TX power
Frequency (MHz) Power (mW) Power (dBm) Range (km) Range (miles)
173 100mW 20 13.8 8.5
173 500mW 27 30.9 19.1
173 1W 30 43.5 27.0
173 2W 33 61.5 38.2