IOM VLH VLC 704 1204

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Technical data
VLH L 704 804 904
Power supply V/ph/Hz 400 (±10%) / 3 / 50
Number of circuits 2 2 2
Capacity steps % 20-50-70-100 25-50-75-100 28-50-78-100
Type / GWP R410A / 2.088
Charge 1/2
kg 21,5/21,5 24,5/24,5 27/27
eq 44,9/44,9 51,2/51,2 56,4/56,4
Type Scroll
Number 4 4 4
Start-up type Direct
N°of loading stages 0/100 0/100 0/100
Type Plate
Number 1 1 1
Water flow rate l/s 8,1 9,2 10,6
Pressure drop kPa 43,4 45,6 21,5
Water volume l 11,5 13,3 25,2
Type Coil
Hydraulic connections
Type Threaded Gas Male
Inlet diameter inch 2”1/2 2”1/2 3”
Outlet diameter inch 2”1/2 2”1/2 3”
Shipping weight kg 1663 1806 1955
Operating weight kg 1675 1820 1980
Additional Weights
HSE* versions kg 30 30 40
Desuperheater versions kg 20 30 30
With one pump kg 85 85 90
With two pumps kg 200 200 205
With pump and tank 500 lt kg 350 350 350
With pumps and tank 500 lt kg 400 400 400
Copper Fins kg 520 520 520
Length mm 4300 4300 4300
Width mm 1100 1100 1100
Height mm 2300 2300 2300
(1) The refrigerant value are indicative values for standard units. The actual data are indicated on the unit label.
(*) High Efficiency Units (HSE) with inverter fans.