IOM VLH VLC 704 1204

Page 16
4.7 Electrical connections
The unit must be installed on site according to the
Machinery Directive Machinery Directive 2006/42/
EC, Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
2014/30/EU and the usual procedures and stand-
ards applicable in the place of installation. The unit
must not be operated if its installation has not been
carried out according to the instructions provided in
this manual.
The power supply lines must consist of insulated cop-
per conductors, dimensioned for the maximum ab-
sorbed current.
Connection to terminals must be performed according
to the diagram of connections (User’s Terminal Box)
provided in this manual and according to the wiring
diagram which accompanies the unit.
Before connecting the power supply lines,
check that the available voltage value does
not exceed the range specified in the Electric
Data (Chapter 8).
For 3-phase systems, check also that the unbalance
between the phases does not exceed 2%. To perform
this check, measure the differences between the volt-
age of each phase couple and their mean value dur-
ing operation. The maximum % value of these differ-
ences (unbalance) must not exceed 2% of the mean
If the unbalance is unacceptable, contact the Energy
Distributor to solve this problem.
Supplying the unit through a line whose un-
balance exceeds the permissible value will
automatically void the warranty.
4.6 Power supply
Before carrying out any operations on the
electrical system, make sure that the unit is
It is important that the appliance is grounded.
The company in charge of the installation
shall conform to the standards applicable to
outdoor electrical connections.
The manufacturer may not be held liable for any
damage and/or injury caused by failure to comply
with these precautions.
The unit conforms to EN 60204-1.
The following connections shall be provided:
n A 3-phase and grounding connection for the power
supply circuit.
n The electrical distribution system shall meet the pow-
er absorbed by the appliance.
n The disconnecting and magnetothermal switches must
be sized to control the starting current of the unit.
n The power supply lines and the insulation devices
must be designed in such a way that every line inde-
n It is recommended to install differential switches, to
prevent any damage caused by phase drops.
n The fans and compressors are supplied through
contactors controlled from the control panel.
n Each motor is provided with an internal safety ther-
mal device and external fuses.
n The power supply cables must be inserted into dedi-
cated openings on the front of the unit, and the will
enter the electrical board through holes drilled on
the bottom of the board.