IOM VLH VLC 704 1204

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to the instructions provided in this manual and on
the unit’s panelling
n if you have to disassemble a piece, make sure that it
has been properly mounted again before restarting
the unit
n do not touch the delivery pipes from the compres-
sor, the compressor and any other piping or com-
ponent inside the machine before wearing protec-
tive gloves
n keep a fire extinguisher fir for electrical appliances
near the machine
n on the units installed indoor, connect the safety
valve of the refrigeration circuit to a piping network
that can channel any overflowing refrigerant out-
n remove and leak of fluid inside and outside the unit
n collect the waste liquids and dry any oil spillage
n periodically clean the compressor compartment, to
remove any fouling
n do not store flammable liquids near the unit
n do not disperse the refrigerant and the lubricating
oil into the environment
n weld only empty pipes; do not approach flames or
other sources of heat to refrigerant pipes
n do not bend/hit pipes containing fluids under pres-
2.6 Precautions during maintenance
Maintenance operations can be carried out by author-
ised technicians only.
Before performing any maintenance operations:
n disconnect the unit from the mains with the external
disconnecting switch
n place a warning sign “do not turn on - maintenance
in progress” on the external disconnecting switch
n make sure that on-off remote controls are inhibited
n wear suitable personal protective equipment (hel-
met, safety gloves, goggles and shoes etc.)
To carry out any measurements or checks which re-
quire the activation of the machine:
n work with the electrical board open only for the nec-
essary time
n close the electrical board as soon as the measure-
ment or check has been completed
n for outdoor units, do not carry out any operations in
the presence of dangerous climatic conditions (rain,
snow, mist etc.)
The following precautions must be always adopted:
n do not scatter the fluids of the refrigeration circuit in
the surrounding environment
n when replacing an eprom or electronic cards, use
always suitable devices (extractor, antistatic brace-
let, etc.)
n to replace a compressor, the evaporator, the con-
densing coils or any other weighty element, make
sure that the lifting equipment is consistent with the
weight to be lifted
n in air units with independent compressor compart-
ment, do not access the fan compartment unless
you have disconnected the machine by the discon-
necting switch on the board and you have placed
a warning sign “do not turn on - maintenance in
n contact manufacturer for any modifications to the
refrigeration, hydraulic or wiring diagram of the
unit, as well as to its control logics
n contact manufacturer if it is necessary to perform
very difficult disassembly and assembly operations
n use only original spare parts purchased directly
from manufacturer or the official retailers of the
companies on the recommended spare parts list
n contact manufacturer if it is necessary to handle the
unit one year after its positioning on site or if you
wish to dismantle it.